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刚刚播送的是维瓦尔迪作曲的C小调协奏曲。That was the concerto in C minor by Vivaldi.

许多人靠写词作曲来谋生。Many people earn their living by writing music.

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她不仅是一位音乐教师,而且也会作曲。She is not only a teacher of music, she composes.

曲作者,谁知道刚刚这段乐曲的作曲是谁The composer-- Anybody know the composer of this?

歌曲由郑律成作词,莫耶作曲。Songs by Cheng law into their songs, Moyer composition.

不久弗莱米德返回,诵唱他刚刚完成作曲的十四行诗。Flamand returns to sing the sonnet he has just composed.

我叔叔是一位会计师,作曲是他的业余爱好。My uncle, an accountant, composes music as an avocation.

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而「小孩不笨」之中他更是自编自导自演、主题曲作曲作词人。Even he wrote the song lyrics and music of "I not stupid".

当汤姆告诉大家他在作曲时,众人哄然大笑。People fell about when Tom told them he was composing music.

桑伯格在中期用无调性方式作曲。Schoenberg used atonality in the music of his middle period.

黎列刚的音乐之缘始于小提琴和作曲。Li's affinity with music started with violin and composition.

刘健,作曲家,武汉音乐学院作曲系教授。Liu Jian, composer, professor of Wuhan Conservatory of Music.

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乐理,听力,技术,作曲,即兴。Theory, Aural, Technique, Song Writting, Improvisation Ideas.

但他究竟是如何获得这种别具风格的作曲艺术的?But how did he come to develop his unique compositional style?

刘健,作曲家,武汉音乐学院作曲系教授。Liu Jian, Composer, Professor from Wuhan Conservatory of Music.

他们给通俗歌星创作歌曲,为电影和电视节目作曲。They write songs for popstars and music for films and TV plays.

兰迪虽然只有31岁,但是他已经因为作曲赢得了格莱美奖。At thirty-one, he had already won a Grammy award for his songwriting.

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算法作曲的出现将会如何改变音乐的面貌呢?How might algorithmic composition technology change the face of music?

李延年善作曲,也善改编新曲。Li Yannian was adept at composing music and revising new compositions.

他曾为乐评、电影、百老汇音乐剧及其他音乐领域作曲。He composed for musical reviews, movies, Broadway productions, and more.