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关于这点是众家所说纷纭。Was the numerous families says diversely about this.

正如猎狐之在英国,意见纷纭,且不可调和。As with foxhunting in Britain, views seem irreconcilable.

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这方面的卢克工作的情况,议论纷纭。This aspect of Luke's work has occasioned much discussion.

长大了,世事纷纭,人就变复杂了,思虑多。Grow up, things are diverse, and they become complex, thoughtful and more.

事实是,大家对已发生或未发生的事往往众口纷纭。Fact of the matter is, there are as many opinions on what happened or didn't happen.

随着这一需求的不断增加,商家纷纭在月饼的外包装上大造作文,以吸引高端花费者。The market has reacted to the increasing demand with expensive packages to lure high-end consumers.

报纸对市政厅和地方政府的人民党官员行贿也是众议纷纭。Newspapers talk of bribes and backhanders to party officials in town halls and regional governments.

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关于情感这个恒古的命题,千百年来人们纵说纷纭,莫衷一是。Emotion, as regards this old topic, has been variedly discussed by human beings in thousands of years.

对“美的规律”内涵的认识,虽然意见纷纭,但是总的出发点是一致的。The realizations on the meaning of "the laws of beauty" are diverse, but their total basic point is identical.

这些自杀事件导致人们纷纭对支持中国制作业基本的工业园区模式提出质疑。The suicides have raised questions about the factory town model that underpins much of China's manufacturing base.

如能用统一明确的信息代替纷纭的呼吁行动,那么政策和规划的转变将更有可能发生。Policy and programme change are more likely if there is one clear message rather than a cacophony of calls to action.

古人的种种解说,虽纷纭散漫,“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”,但对我们认识“庐山真面目”,也许不无裨益。The ancients's a variety of definition, though diverse and confused careless and sloppy, can help us to realize Han's theory.

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由前者产生贯穿两宋始终的文统、道统观念,由后者生成宋代文坛上体派纷纭的现象。The former is responsible for literary and political traditions in Song Dynasty and the latter for phenomenon of literary cliques.

大约140亿年前,这个宇宙的所有物质全都被抛向四面八方,直到现在,那次原始爆炸仍在推动着宇宙中的各个星系远离爆炸中心,这是科学家根据多普勒效应从纷纭繁杂的现象中了解到的。Around 14 billion years ago, all matter in the universe was thrown in every direction. That first explosion is still pushing galaxies outward.

他善于通过精心构造人物复杂、细节纷纭的小说世界,表达人性中最为朴素又极为动人的爱、悲悯和诗意的美。He is good at creating complex characters and depicting in detail the complicated fictional world which is filled with love, pity and the poetic.

在对众多纷纭的玉米资料进行整理、分析和研究时,不借助计算机的帮助已是无法想象的了。It is clear that the collecting, observation, analyzing and re-search of the corn resources are of very important to the research of corn breeding.

目前上海博物馆馆藏战国楚竹书已成为学术界研究的热点,相关的研究文章纷纭而至。At present, Chu bamboo slips collected by Shanghai Museum has become the hotspot of academic research, and many relevant theses have been published.

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更何况我正怀着恋情,而那恋情又把我带到一处纷纭而微妙的境地,根本不容我有欣赏周围风景的闲情逸致。Moreover, I was in love, and the love brought me to such a confused and subtle circumstance that I did not have the mood to enjoy the ambient scenery.

最高颜值演员加上最强制作班底令该剧获得业界一众认可,纷纭有望创下新媒体剧播放的新高纪录。The highest value of Yan actors and production team to play the strongest industry a public recognition, are expected to hit a new record of media play.

而关于现代新儒家是否属于中体西用派,历来聚诉纷纭,莫衷一是。And about whether contemporary new-Confucian belongs to the school of utilization of west in Chinese form, there have been always being different judgments.