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享有自由的理想。The idea of liberty.

我享有好胃口的福气。I'm the bearer of good news.

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他享有外交特权。He enjoys diplomatic privileges.

还有幸福有待你去享有!There is happiness to be enjoyed!

并享有良好的兰草音乐!And Enjoy The Good Bluegrass Music!

犹太人和非犹太人都享有充分的权利。Jews and non-Jews enjoy full rights.

这酒在世界上享有盛名。The wine is in high repute worldwide.

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你方可在我方报盘方面享有优先权。You may enjoy priority in our offers.

作为家庭的一分子就应享有一种特权。Being part of a family is a privilege.

她在群众中享有很高威信。He has high prestige among the masses.

享有以优惠价使用TBIS所提供的网上服务。Discount in using TBIS on-line services.

在市场下挫时你能够享有高派息。In a slump you can enjoy good dividends.

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男女应该享有平等权利。Man and woman should enjoy equal rights.

我回到美国也享有维修服务吗?Can I get it repaired back in the States?

通过Sirim验证,享有一年保质期。Passed SIRIM security, One Year Warranty.

想象那些美好和享有美誉的事物。Imagine what is lovely and of good report.

所以的会员均享有免费锁柜使用服务。Lockers are available to all club members.

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享有上帝赋予的不可剥夺的权利的理想。The idea of God-given, inalienable rights.

这些农奴主因而享有两种体制的好处。The overlords had the best of both worlds.

每人对他自己的人身享有一种所有权。Every man has a property in his own person.