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生铁可均匀地传热。Cast iron conducts heat evenly.

此金属传热快。The metal propagates heat rapidly.

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为什么要使用导热油作为传热介质?Why Using Thermal Oil as Heat Transfer Medium?

蒸汽流量增加,可强化传热传质过程,有利于实现闪蒸。Increasing flow of steam is helpful to the flashing.

水密性优异,传热性能好。Excellent waterproof and heat conduction performance.

金属能轻易地传热。它们是热的良导体。Metals conduct heat easily. They are good conductors.

大多数塑料不易传热或导电。Most plastics do not readily conduct heat or electricity.

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所以,研究实际的非牛顿流体的传热就非常必要了。So, it is necessary to research the actual non-newtonian fluids.

研究低温液体-水相际传热问题。The heat transfer of the cryogenic liquid and water was studied.

计算传热中流体流过表面的数值模拟与计算过程。A computer program for transient, two-dimensional, Two-Fluid Flow.

实际上,传热往往是由床层至周围。Actually, it is always the transfer of heat from bed to surroundings.

非金属例如木,玻璃和塑料不能很轻易地传热。Nonmetals such as wood, glass and plastic cannot conduct heat easily.

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这些石头是用于低端传热一些公司工作。These stones are used in low-end heat transfer work by some companies.

建立了地板辐射采暖房间的传热模型。The model of heat transfer in radiant floor heating room is established.

通过热量衡算对传热面积进行校核。Correct the heat-transfer area of equipments based on the energy balance.

说明扁管具有很好的强化传热效果,但压降也高于圆管。Pressure drop of the latter is however higher than that of circular tube.

舒瑞普公司是在传热领域里快速发展的国际性公司。SWEP is a rapidly growing international company in the heat transfer field.

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舒瑞普公司是在热传热领域里快速发展的国际性公司。SWEP is a rapidly growing international company in the heat transfer field.

传热恶化点的干度较大,便于设计成高效的热虹吸再沸器。The Lamelshell heat exchanger is designed easily for thermosyphon reboiler.

另一个西方常用的是传热系数或U值。The other common western value is the heat transfer coefficient or U value.