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我是个不称职的,不近人情的母亲。An incompetent monster of a mother.

噢,他也太不近人情了。为什么他要这样做?Oh, hes so mean. Why would he do that?

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这好象有点太不公平了.而且也太不近人情了.It seems kind of unfair, and a little unkind.

如果嫉妒你逗留在鲜花与田野之间,那将是太不近人情的。It would be cruel to begrudge your sojourn among flowers and fields.

你难道不认为对你对手的失败幸灾乐祸是有点不近人情吗?Don't you think it's a little unkind to gloat over your competitor's failure?

他那双锐利的灰色眼睛半带厌烦地扫了她一眼,显得不近人情且粗暴无礼。His keen grey eye, impersonal and brusque, flashed upon her half impatiently.

他一边走一边嘟囔这样对待他简直是不近人情。He rumbled as he walked that it was simply unreasonable to treat him like this.

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父亲的不近人情,让我失望到了极点,内心五味杂陈。Father be beneath the human character, let me down to the extreme, the inner five mixed.

有时免不了有人会抱怨,说我对战士要求太严,太不近人情。From time to time there will be some complaints that we are pushing our people too hard.

我觉得这种习惯中有某种不近人情的、冷酷的、麻木的东西。To me, there is something inhuman, something callous and almost bovine, in the practice.

或“我今天过的可真糟糕”之类的问候或抱怨,都会变得不合时宜或不近人情。or confide to them -- "I had a bad day at work today" -- seem inadequate or inappropriate.

如果你一定要以为他对我真有感情,那么,她们这样做法,便是既不近人情,又荒谬绝伦,我也就更伤心了。By supposing such an affection, you make every body acting unnaturally and wrong, and me most unhappy.

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我宁愿在友善与同情中犯点小错误,也不愿在不近人情和严厉中创造奇迹。I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than work miracles in unkindness and hardness.

之后,Hannah的父母写信给赫里福德初级医疗基金会,批评他们的不近人情干预行为。After the incident the Joneses wrote to Herefordshire Primary Care Trust complaining about its intervention.

尽管他们会抱怨你不近人情,但是每个员工都需要抱怨点什么,所以工作繁重成为一个很好的理由。People will say you are unrealistic, but everyone needs something to complain about anyway, so make it easy.

更好的媒体设计能够减缓或者消除数字社交不近人情或者非人性化的效果吗?Can inhumane or dehumanizing effects of digital socializing be mitigated or eliminated by better media design?

就在萨博博物馆的门外,伫立着一个巨大的铸铁蒸汽引擎诉说着这近乎不近人情的制度。Right outside the Saab museum, a giant black cast iron steam engine stands as a monument to this unsentimental approach.

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他有时侯温柔体贴,有时冷漠,有时仁慈善良,有时严苛得不近人情。He sometimes gentle and considerate, sometimes indifferent, sometimes benevolent kind-hearted , sometimes harsh in the unsympathetic.

如果你把那些美景在我面前再现,我的好伙伴,我就原谅你不近人情地斥责我。Retrace all those scenes to me, my good companion, and I will forgive the unkindness with which you were chiding me, the day we went to St.

他们的从业执照就像没有经验的外科医生手里那冰冷的,不近人情的手术刀,直插那些正在承受悲痛和遭遇的新鲜血肉中。Their camera lenses are like the cold and indifferent scalpel of an inexperienced surgeon cutting into the still-warm flesh of human grief and suffering.