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她是一个很有教养的人,也是一名成功的生意人。She was a cultured person.

你看,我们是文明的生意人。You see, we are civilized businessmen.

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此君的大作可视为生意人的指南。Mr Krupp’s book is the businessman’s guide.

法官判定那个生意人诈欺。The judge convicted the businessman of fraud.

在许多方面,Veasey是一个纯粹的手工艺生意人。In many ways, Veasey is a craft business purist.

生意人是利字当头。Business people prioritize profit above all else.

你要我在场,就为见几个生意人?You want me there for a meeting with businessmen?

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我有个兄弟,他住在金沙萨,是个生意人。My brother lives in Kinshasa where he is a trader.

这也是为人处世和生意人的真实写照。This is the reality of being human and also business.

因为生意人靠做广告来赚钱。Because the business makes their money on advertising.

他是个生意人来存储他的生意利润吗?Was he a business man and came to deposit his profits?

郓哥也是个典型的市井小生意人。The hay brother is a typical town little businessman too.

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老生意人有句俗话,提醒你要当心满面堆笑的斯奎布人。An old trader's saying warns to be wary of smiling Squibs.

法国一家公司为生意人提供了折叠式酒店,可在任何地方搭建。A French company has developed folding hotels for businessmen.

不要相信那些走家串户的生意人的花言巧语。Don't fall for the fair words of the door to door businessmen.

艺术家们常常嘲笑生意人钻进了钱眼儿里。ARTISTS routinely deride businesspeople as money-obsessed bores.

如果你是生意人,肯定会出现在何清园批发城。If you are a business owner, be found in Kenanga Wholesale City.

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这世上没有好人和坏人,只有生意人。Expect businessman in the world, there are no goodies and baddies.

为UUM生意人及团购者提供销售、宣传平台。We provide UUM Businessmen a wider marketing & promotion platform.

Hagan成了生意人,在18个月内收购了24家公司。Hagan became the deal guy, buying two dozen companies in 18 months.