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放飞想象。Just imagine.

放飞一个个梦幻。Let's make dreams fly.

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他试图放飞他的风筝。He tried to fly his kite.

创意的艺术,放飞你的想法。Create art. Let your ideas flow.

放飞梦想,逍遥潍坊。Flying dreams, carefree Weifang.

有我助航,假期放飞你的梦想!Belive me, you can fly with you dream!

然后他们就点燃放飞灯笼。Then they lit a fire to fly the lantern.

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展开翅膀、敞开心灵、放飞梦想。Spread your wings, open your heart and fly.

心情放飞,快乐相随,祝父亲节好运!Flying mood, happy, good luck to father's day!

令爱长驻的方法,最好莫过于赋予它一双翅膀——将爱放飞!The best way to keep love is to give it wings!

开始作画前我会在脑中回想,让思绪放飞。And before I start painting I reflect, I dream.

让和平鸽放飞在黎巴嫩的天空!Let peace doves flying in the skies of Lebanon!

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游客放飞了一只孔明灯。Tourists launch a Chinese lantern into the sky.

放松自我施加的束缚,放飞自己。Release of your self-imposed shackles and be free.

白丁屋带你走月光天堂…白丁屋带你去放飞梦想…House of Tyro will take you to the moonlight heaven.

另一个可让人通过应用程序放飞蝴蝶。Another one lets you release butterflies with an app.

以一片片荚果放飞曾经鲜嫩如淤血似的种子。And letting go of the seeds once blue-blooded like gore.

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你将放飞你那颗赤子之心——孩子们都是充满好奇的。You Will ReleaseYour Inner Child – Children are curious.

于是,对于古丽·斯坦,绘画,艺术,便只是她心灵的一次又一次的放飞。To Gulistan, paintings and art is a medium to fly her soul.

低质量的风筝往往可以飞得高,但放飞的的角度较低。Lower-quality kites can often fly high, but at a lower angle.