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而且,艾姆斯市是招徕自己支持者投票的地方。Moreover, Ames is a bring-your-own-voters affair.

这是一个非常吸引人的结构,它能招徕顾客。It is the eye-catcher that visitors use to get to the shop.

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音乐会的广告招徕了大量听众。The advertisements for the concert fetched in large crowds.

这个商品在亏本,但是它是一个可以增加市场份额的亏本货…为招徕顾客…The product's losing money but it's a loss-leader to grow market share.

好几个人站在场外,为正在演出的各类杂耍招徕观众。Several men stood outside the ground, touting for the various sideshows.

帕蓬路以“曼谷的红灯区之称”来招徕外来人口和游客。Patpong is touted as Bangkok’s red light district for expats and tourists.

本周的演示是为了招徕对这个平台的关注。This week’s demonstration was designed to drum up interest in the platform.

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认识顽梗背逆的结果,必定招徕神严厉的审判。Come to know the consequences of rebellion will bring severe judgment from God.

如果你和一个职业拳击手对抗,你这么做就会招徕一顿暴打。If you do this against a professional boxer, you will get your block knocked off.

只有当运作失序时,它才引发痛苦并招徕注视。But when it is also chaotic, it causes pain and suffering and calls for attention.

第三区有华语流行歌曲演唱,附加骰子酒吧以招徕客人。The third space hosts mandopop shows , and as an added attraction, features dice bar.

一些甚至完全只是为了招徕顾客而采用浓缩提取物质和香精合成的所谓“茶类饮料”。Some of them were made from “concentrates” or “essences,” and likely lack the touted benefits.

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一些甚至完全只是为了招徕顾客而采用浓缩提取物质和香精合成的所谓“茶类饮料”。Some of them were made from “concentrates” or “essences, ” and likely lack the touted benefits.

这些疑虑让吉塔嘉特人对输油管道和它所招徕的每年220艘油轮一直持怀疑态度。That leaves them skeptical about the pipeline and the tankers it would attract—about 220 a year.

一些房屋中介公司以所谓“质优价廉”的房屋招徕看房客户。Some housing agency to the so-called "quality and cheap" housing to attract critically customers.

所以有不少餐厅老板挖空心思去留意制作新奇,以招徕顾客。So there are many restaurant owner policeman to notice, in order to make new to attract customers.

杂货店常常利用诸如低价咖啡一类的廉价品来招徕客人。Grocery stores often use a loss leader such as low-priced coffee, to lure customers into the store.

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小型的坚果供应商招徕顾客的时候可能会说,他们卖的是新鲜的刚剥壳的坚果。Small artisanal nut purveyors might tout that they are selling new-crop nuts very recently shelled.

经过一夜的激动和无眠之后,我继续为公司招徕更多的订单。After a night spent in excitement and sleeplessness, I continued to explore more orders for my company.

关于如何为你的新企业招徕顾客,你也能讲出一些众所周知的典型技法。You could say the same thing about the techniques typically used to attract customers to a new business.