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译成中文就是“人生苦短,及时行乐!”Life is too short, enjoy it!

把这紧记在心及时行乐吧。Keep that in mind and rejoice.

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我们为何不能及时行乐?。Can't we have what we have now?

及时行乐。把握今天,孩子们。Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys.

让我来告诉你及时行乐的重要。Let me tel you about carpe diem.

及时行乐是个使人充满活力的想法。Carpe diem is an empowering idea.

让我来告诉你及时行乐的重要。Let me tell you about carpe diem.

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有国王行乐。There’s music when the king walks.

假如你热爱生命,就想想及时行乐这句话。If you love life, think carpe diem.

暂伴月将影,行乐须及春。Yet moon and shadow shall be my company.

我抱着及时行乐的心态来到中国!I came to China with the mindset of YOLO!

及时行乐,快乐会比你期待得来得晚Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think.

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第四,及时行乐意谓著不浪费时间。Fourth, carpe diem means don't waste time.

他对生活的态度是及时行乐。His attitude towards his life is carpe diem.

及时行乐,趁你还是能乐的年纪Enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink.

第二,及时行乐意谓著时间是一份很珍贵的礼物。Second, carpe diem means time is a precious gift.

如果我要管制你行乐的时光。I should in thought control your times of pleasure.

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在她年轻时她几乎是强迫地行乐。In her youth she seemed to dissipate almost compulsively.

阿力哥,这句是说一万年太久,须及时行乐?Ten thousand years is too long, seize the time, seize the day!

及时行乐,把握今天,伙计们,让你的生活更非凡。Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.