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朝圣的目的是超越一般的游山玩水。The goal of pilgrimages is beyond sightseeing.

游山玩水的确是保持健康的好主意。Visiting places is really a good idea to keep fit.

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很久以前,有个读书人喜欢游山玩水。Long, long ago, there is a student who likes to travel.

你有出差的机会,同时也可以游山玩水。You may get the chance to travel both for work and for pleasure.

他利用在夏威夷的闲暇充分游山玩水。He made the most of his spare time in Hawaii touring the scenic spots.

当我们发现这个问题的时候,他们正在外地游山玩水。They are enjoying the selves at other places when we found this problem.

他们与道士一起饮酒赋诗、弹琴论画、游山玩水。They drank and indited, played musical instrument and drew pictures and strolled together.

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在游山玩水的过程中亲身体验异国文化是一种惬意的享受。It is a pleasant enjoyment for tourists to experience foreign cultures in the course of traveling.

虽也上过学,不过略识几字,终日惟有斗鸡走马,游山玩水而已。At school he merely learned a few characters, spending all his time on cockfights, riding or pleasure trips.

另一方面,有些画家难得有机会游山玩水,借鉴山水诗是其聪明的选择。On the other hand, some artists have a rare opportunity envious?, From landscape poetry is its smart choice.

他经常和朋友们游山玩水,欣赏、创作诗文,名气越来越大。He would often explore and enjoy the area with friends and write poetry, gradually growing in his reputation.

我喜欢游山玩水,在中国我每天都能体验到新鲜的事物和富饶的异域文化。I really enjoy traveling and China offers such a great range of opportunities for new experiences and rich culture.

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王俊一边忙着为四喜布置客栈,一边悄悄联系二妹,带二妹游山玩水。Busy for four xi wang junwork side decorate the inn, side slip contact two younger sister, two younger sister to travel.

如果前提允许呢,也喜欢与同学朋友去游山玩水,但因为受前提限制,去玩也只能去近的处所。If the condition allows, it was like to travel with friends, but by a restriction conditions, to play also can go to place nearby.

青岛海鸥雅居为游山玩水的旅行者提供青岛旅游城市地图、导游信息,行程设计。Qingdao Seagull unknown travelers to enjoy the beauties of nature tourism city of Qingdao provide maps, guides information itinerary.

细致周到的服务,不仅能消除您旅途疲劳,更能增添您游山玩水的兴致。The meticulous and circumspect service not only can remove your tire from journey but also add your interest for making a sightseeing tour.

面对媒体,全曼午似乎更多地聊着游山玩水的诗意人生,转型做孵化器,做投资人的潇洒随性。In the face of the media, Quan Manwu seems more talked about poetic life of sightseeing, do incubator transformation, investors do casual chic.

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其形式主要是游山玩水、饮酒赋诗、书画遣兴、品鉴文艺等,赏心悦目、怡然自得。It feasts for the eyes in the form of making a sightseeing tour, drinking and composing poetry, calligraphy and painting and appreciating literature.

喜欢游山玩水,苦于无人相伴,喜欢欧美流行音乐,电影么喜欢淳朴型的,亦如我对异性的偏好。I like tour but lack of time and company. I love music, especially the Europe and America music. Both the film and female I like the simple but not exaggerate.

在任何一个社会里,总有一些人天生爱旅游,也有一些恋家的人喜欢他们所在的地方,根本没有到别处去游山玩水的愿望。In any society, there are people that are born to travel and there are homebodies who are happy with where they are at, with no desire to go anywhere else at all.