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且皆为“党籍”之家后裔,这是其深层感情相扭结的真谛所在。All this is the true meaning of their deep twisting feelings.

同时DNA发生构象变化、螺旋扭结。Moreover, the conformation of DNA changes and the helices are kinked.

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漂泊与宿命在王安忆的文本世界和心灵世界中扭结纠缠在一起。Roaming and fatalism tangle up in Wang Anyi's world of text and mind.

摄入过多或过少的能量会在大脑中形成一个结构微妙的扭结。Too much or too little energy throws a kink in the brain’s delicate machinery.

看看我们如何把线轻微扭结给一个页面上略有曲线的印象。Lastly add some highlights down the middle of the pages and side of the bookmark.

小心的往后拉入颅线,扭结应处于单孔的底端。Carefully pull back the access line. The kink should be in the bottom of the burr hole.

布线时要用暗管敷设,导线在管内不应有接头和扭结。When you use the wiring laying underground pipe, wire in the pipes should be joint and kink.

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捻度被解除后,长丝会扭结或形成波状卷曲,这是捻度热定型引起的变形。The thin layer is attenuated, twist is inserted, and the resulting yarn is wound onto bobbins.

斑块状扭结的数量与胶原原纤维的退变程度成正比。The number of twisting collagenous fibrils closely correlated with the degree of fibrous degeneration.

从一开始,会谈的主要目标就是将农业贸易上的一些扭结拉直过来。From the start, the round's chief ambition was to straighten out some of the kinks in agricultural trade.

扭结一段长度的材料产生的绷紧的卷曲,曲折或弯曲,例如因。A tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, as one caused by the tensing of a looped section of wire.

细小纤维含量和纤维扭结指数降低,纤维平均长度和纤维粗度增加。The fines content and kink index of fiber obviously decreased while the fiber length and fiber coarseness increased.

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临床医师目前面临的困境是盲肠扭结并无明确的临床特徵于是常常延迟治疗而导致肠坏死。Cecal volvulus has great diversities of clinical and laboratory presentations, which often lead to delayed treatment.

绉线可以利用具有足够捻度卷缩纱线来产生扭结效果,但应用得较少。Crepe yarns are also produced by unbalanced yarns with sufficient twist to produce the kinking, but this is less common.

讨论了扭结-反扭结对的平衡分布,推导出一条分子链所输运的超导电流。The equilibrium distribution of kink-antikink pairs is discussed and the supercurrent transported in a chain is derived.

而蹲的姿势,弯曲理顺,就像抛开一条环绕扭结花园软管,也使排便变得更加容易。In a squatting posture, the bend straightens out, like a kink ringed out of a garden hose, and defecation becomes easier.

纱线单位长度上的湿扭结个数是评价和衡量纱线残余扭矩的一项重要间接指标。The number of yarn wet snarling per unit length is an important indirect index for the evaluation of yarn residual torque.

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再次收缩单孔处,在指定段将微传感器完全弯曲并留下一个扭结。Once again retract the burr hole site, and fold back the Micro Sensor completely at the desired bend side to leave a kink in it.

通过脑硬膜的孔,将微传感器的探头至于脑实质中,直到单孔顶端的扭结处。Place the tip of the Micro Sensor in the parenchymal through the puncture in the dura until the kink at the top edge of the hole.

这是宝马设计为通过,并通过与肾脏等格栅和霍夫迈斯特扭结签字分子“的C柱。It is designed as a BMW through and through with signature elements like the kidney grille and the Hofmeister kink" at the C pillar."