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而水肥耦合研究一直是节水技术研究的一个重要方面。The study on coupling effect of water and fertilizer is an important part.

在现有的水肥条件下,冬小麦和夏玉米有较大的增产潜力。Both of winter wheat and summer corn has still great potential to increase yield.

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水肥耦合效应表现为水肥对产量的协同作用关系。Their coupling effect is represented by their co-action on the production of winter wheat.

这是个好消息,因为我们349个污水处理厂每天要处理28亿公升的水肥。That's good news because we treat 2.8 billion liters of sewage every day at our 349 sewage works.

这是个好消息,因为我们三百四十九个污水处理厂每天要处理二十八亿公升的水肥。That’s good news because we treat 2.8 billion liters of sewage every day at our 349 sewage works.

但是麻疯树可以种植在那些不适于种植粮食作物的贫瘠土地上,并且几乎不需要水肥。But jatropha can grow on poor-quality land unsuitable for food crops and needs little water or fertilisers.

在此基础上,进一步探讨了影响土壤水肥状况的原因和因素。Futhermore, some reasons and factors which influenced soil moisture and nutrient were discussed in the paper.

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适当的水肥胁迫有利于长春碱在长春花体内的形成和积累。Suitable stress is advantageous to the formation and the accumulation of vinblastine in the Catharanthus roseus.

奥斯陆市官员认为可以,并计画引进用水肥萃取的生质燃料来驱动公车。City officials in Oslo think so and are planning to introduce buses that run on biofuels extracted from human waste.

杓兰的叶片性状是对水肥条件较好,但季节波动较大生境的适应。The leaf traits of Cypripedium were the adaptation to the environment rich in water and nutrients but easy to change with seasons.

优鉴26、1525、SWT、小鉴18、1509的增产潜力较大,但稳定性差,只适应于在水肥条件较好的地区种植。Youjian26,1525, SWT, and Xiaojian18,1509 should be planted in good fertilized and sufficient watered region because of poor stability.

对滴灌条件下麦行间套播的夏玉米水肥耦合效应进行了田间试验。Field experiments on the coupling effect of water and fertilizer on the intercrop of summer corn with drip irrigation have been conducted.

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研究水肥空间组合对冬小麦形态指标及生物量的影响,对指导旱地施肥具有一定理论和实践意义。The study on effects of water and fertilizer spatial coupling on biological characteristics and biomass of winter wheat Triticum aestivum L.

兜兰的叶片形态结构和生理功能的进化与适应喀斯特地区匮乏的水肥条件有关。The leaf morphological and physiological evolution of Paphiopedilum was related to water and resource-conserving traits in the karst habitat.

种植优良品种和合理施肥可提高苦荞麦的水肥利用效率。Fertilizer and water use efficiency of tartary buckwheat can be improved by planting the suitable variety and applying fertilizers rationally.

分析了旱地果园水肥管理模式的研究进展和存在问题,指出水肥胁迫尤其是水钾已成为旱区果树高产稳产优质化的主要限制因子。The achievements in the studies and existed problems of the management patterns of water and fertilizer in apple orchard in dryland were analysed.

对喷灌条件下花生玉米间套种植模式中的水肥耦合效应进行了田间试验研究。Field experiments on the coupling effect of water and fertilizer on the intercrop ofpeanut and maize with sprinkler irrigation have been conducted.

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在奈曼站农业观测场进行了5种水肥处理的玉米生长试验。The corn growing dynamics was studied by using the 5 treatments of nutrition and water in Naiman Desertification Research Station in Inner Mongolia.

在田间条件下研究了水肥耦合对冬小麦各生育期叶片质膜相对透性的影响。The coupling effects of water and fertilizer on the relative penetrability of cell membrane of winter wheat leaf were studied under field condition.

对大棚番茄越夏长季节栽培的水肥量化管理指标进行了研究。The experiment of different water and top fertilizer combination for tomato cultivated in greenhouse were studied in long season cultivation over summer.