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他在倒卖股票的生意中赚了一大笔。He earned a lot by scalping.

但苏联垮了之后,他返回故乡基辅,靠倒卖锰材发了横财,他是多伦多最有钱的俄罗斯移民之一。He was one of the richest Russian immigrants in Toronto.

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不允许倒卖进口料件。Resale of imported materials and parts is not permitted.

他就靠倒卖棒球观赛票来过活。He made his living by scalping tickets to the baseball game.

那是政府财产,任何私藏或倒卖行为均属违法。It's government property and illegal to keep it or try to sell it.

禁止将探矿权、采矿权倒卖牟利。Profiteering in exploration right or mining right shall be prohibited.

许多人觉得这个新体系是一种控制倒卖车票和提高效率的方法。Many see the new systems as a way to curb scalping and improve efficiency.

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有的餐馆甚至还对企图通过倒卖废油的挣钱的小偷进行防范。Some have even had to fend off thieves looking to make a buck on its resale.

当时,他在做倒买、倒卖旧轿车的生意,赚了一大笔钱。At the time he was buying and selling old cars. He was making a lot of money.

一个偶然的机会,他把枪支转手倒卖给民间武装军队。A occasional chance, He a guns second-hand resell to commons armed force army.

这个流程呢就是这样,巴基斯坦买中国的武器,然后倒卖给塔利班。This is how it works, Pakistan buys Chineese arms and sells it back to Taliban.

这样的特权产生了一个充满活力的户口倒卖市场。Such privileges fuel a lively black market in highly priced hukousof favoured cities.

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他一收到货就立即将其倒卖,携款潜逃。As soon as he receives the goods, the buyer sells the goods and absconds with the money.

禁止倒卖和转让麻黄素购用证明。Speculation and transfer of certificates for ephedrine purchase and use shall be prohibited.

三十九军将古克松绑了起来,并以倒卖军火罪对他判了死刑。Thirty-nine army will loosen up ancient grams, and by selling arms to sin for him sentenced to death.

你开发一些有趣和独特的在它面前,你认为与布局的变化只是一个倒卖?Have you developed something fun and unique before which you consider reselling with just a change in layout?

同时,在随处可见的保安人员的监视下,热闹的倒卖市场充满了交易声。Meanwhile, under the watchful eyes of ubiquitous security guards, an active scalping market roared with transactions.

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禁止倒卖和转让麻黄素出口许可证和出口购用证明。Speculation and transfer of ephedrine export licenses and certificates of purchase and use for export are prohibited.

据报道,上周,广州警方逮捕了196名黄牛党,据称他们试图倒卖1300张亚运会门票。Last week, Guangzhou police arrested 196 scalpers who allegedly were trying to sell over 1,300 tickets, the paper said.

另外一个就是在宁海县城捉妖师那低价收精魄无论是自用还是倒卖都是不错的生意。Another is at Ninghai County Krishna soul refined low-cost land, whether for personal use or reselling is good business.