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她的想象力非常丰富。She has plenty of imagination.

他有丰富的想象力。He has a bounteous imagination.

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米尔格林姆有惊人的想象力。Milgram had a powerful imagination.

但想象力的缺乏并不仅限于侍从。The lack is not confined to valets.

想象力即你的弹药。Your Imagination is the Ammunition.

统治这个世界的是想象力!Adversity is the midlife of genious.

这的确能够激发想象力。It certainly excites the imagination.

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来吧,开编吧,运用你的想象力。Make something up. Use your imagination.

我们讲完了想象力。Now, we've talked about the imagination.

我们的想象力就是这样一把双刃剑。The imagination is a double-edged sword.

试问你动用你的想象力干了什么?What are you using your imagination for?

他的想象力鼓舞着他周围的人。But his vision inspired those around him.

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好的文学作品能激发想象力。Good literature quickens the imagination.

他们还喜欢想象力强、开掘思维的工作,像科学家和工程师。They make great scientists and engineers.

你仅仅被你的想象力所限制。You are only limited by your imagination.

想象力是你最强大的能力。Imagination is your most powerful faculty.

读书会激发想象力。Reading a book stimulates the imagination.

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图式自身常常是想象力的产物。Schema is itself a product of imagination.

她文笔很好,但写出的东西缺乏想象力。She writes well, but fails in imagination.

其余部分请发挥想象力,随意填涂吧。Have fun colouring the rest of the picture.