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教师不应对学生厚此薄彼。A teacher should not discriminate between students.

我热爱每一个季节,我不希望其它的季节觉得我厚此薄彼。I love all the seasons and don't want the others to get jealous.

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厚此薄彼之议事方法,不足取也。Procedural methods that are not impartial are also insufficient.

不能基于题材分野就将之割裂开来甚至厚此薄彼。So we can't separate his creation in terms of the different themes.

你对待同一公司的雇员不可厚此薄彼。You must not discriminate between people employed in the same firm.

她对待她所照顾的孩子尽可能不厚此薄彼。She tried not to show preference in her treatment of the children in her care.

本文从影响和接受的双重维度分析了出现这一厚此薄彼现象的原因。This paper makes an analysis from the perspective of the influence and acceptance.

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在上海一家上,许多参与讨论者都说不能厚此薄彼。On a local parent-child forum , most participants said they will try to strike a balance.

在上海一家论坛上,许多参与讨论者都说不能厚此薄彼。On a local parent-child forum, most participants said they will try to strike a balance.

公共不满也许使活动家们扬帆起航,但是改革在政治上的支持仍然厚此薄彼。Public discontent may be filling the campaigners' sails, but political support for reforms is still patchy.

过去谷歌只负责整合和托管视频内容时,还较难说明其厚此薄彼、播放有偏好。When Google was only organizing and hosting video content, it was harder to show that it was playing favorites.

而事实上,时尚与保暖可以兼得,没必要“厚此薄彼”。But actually, fashion and warmth can be satisfied at the same time. There's no need to sacrifice one for the other.

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但他努力掩藏这种感情,他想要自己的三个儿子觉得,他对他们的爱是公平的,并没有厚此薄彼。But his efforts to hide these feelings, he wanted his three sons that he was their love is fair, and there is no favoritism.

这是两种不可替代的美,扬此抑彼或厚此薄彼都是不可取的。These two kinds of beauty cannot replace each other, and it is certainly not acceptable to uphold one at the expense of the other.

因为这个话题也只有是雕塑界本身才能产生意义,而并没有什么厚此薄彼的意图。Because this subject has meaning only to sculpting circle, in which has no intention to favour one and be prejudiced against the other.

小企业的内部控制建设不可能面面俱到,也不能厚此薄彼,而应根据小企业的实际情况,因地制宜,有的放矢,有所取舍。The internal control in the small-sized company can not focus every aspect but must be applied according to the company reality and practice.

二者在和谐社会和法治建设中发挥的监督功能各有千秋,不能厚此薄彼,更不能相互越位。They have different supervision features in the harmonious society and construction of law. Both of them are important, they should cot offside each other.

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我对平时训练和正式比赛一视同仁,决不厚此薄彼。因为你不能期望训练中的马马虎虎会给以后的比赛带来佳绩。I take peacetime training and the same race equally, not favoritism. Because youcan not expect a so-so training in the competition will bring future success.

不过谢强很技巧地称,他与广州诸多发展商如珠江合生、富力地产、星河湾老总均为莫逆之交,谈不上厚此薄彼。However wake tactfully said that he and many developers such as Guangzhou and the Pearl River Hop, decimating real estate, Xinghewan mister are friends, not one.

首先,任何科学研究都要求人们对可供考虑的诸多因素不能厚此薄彼,偏向某一方面。In the first place, any scientific study requires that there be no preferential weighting of one or another of the items in the series it selects for its consideration.