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最后,它进入休眠。Finally, it goes dormant.

这是座休眠的火山。This is a dormant volcano.

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金钱是个永不休眠的婊子,而且是个醋坛子。Money is a bitch that never sleeps.

这里是一组休眠的火山群。The here is a volcanos of dormancy.

所有休眠警报都是孤立的。All snoozed alarms are also orphaned.

银叶椴种子的休眠原因。Resting reason of silver linden seed.

脱落酸以前被称作脱落素II或休眠素。Formerly it was known as abscisin II or dormin.

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卡莉斯塔在漫长的休眠后再次警醒。Callista again stirred, after so long a slumber.

PC休眠和唤醒都正常了。PC hibernates and wakes up from hibernation properly.

银叶椴种子属于综合性深休眠类型。Silver linden seed belongs to all-around deep dormancy.

下面将向你介绍一下网络受控休眠Here’s what Network Controlled Fast Dormancy is all about.

综述了近年来国内外对轮虫休眠卵的研究概况。Progress in the study of rotifer resting eggs is reviewed.

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在运行其系列例程前,这个病毒休眠3分钟。Before running its routines the virus sleeps for 3 minutes.

目前还只发现工蚁和蚁后休眠越冬。So far, it is found that only workers and queens overwinter.

夜间“休眠”、白天自动伸缩的网站Websites that “sleep” at night and auto-scale during the day

活尸的水银辐射会将尸祸从休眠中唤醒。Promethean's Azothic radiance awakens Pandorans from Dormancy.

守护进程通常设计为在空闲时休眠,等待请求。Daemons are usually designed to sit idle and wait for requests.

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科学家运用“β-4-胸腺素”这种化学药物将休眠的祖细胞唤醒。Scientists used a chemical, thymosin beta 4, to "wake them up".

一座曾一度休眠的火山不时传来不祥的轰隆隆声这可是个不好的预兆。The ominous rumblings from a once-dormant volcano were a bad omen.

2006年两种生境条件下均未出现明显休眠现象。Various circumstances there is no obvious dormancy happen in 2006.