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他老是说得信口雌黄。He is a fast talker.

他总是这样的信口雌黄。He is such a hip-shooter.

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被人讥讽为饶舌老人的信口雌黄。Be scorned like old men of less truth than tongue.

不经思考信口雌黄,就像没有瞄准放枪。Speaking without thinking is shooting without aiming.

因为他信口雌黄所以不采取他的话。Don't take his words as he is talking through his hat.

如果没有这回事,是谁在信口雌黄?If there is no such thing, and who is irresponsible remarks?

他不顾后果,而信口雌黄。He made irresponsible remarks at random, regardless of the consequences.

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信口雌黄数月后,大家开始不喜欢她。Eventually, after months of lies and irrationality, people begin disliking her.

有一天,我居然信口雌黄,说她每天跟五百个人上床。One day I went so far as to say that she is having five hundred affairs every day.

Thomas在司法确认程序中对参议员小组信口雌黄,但还是身着法袍烂了几十年。Thomas has been festering in his robes for decades, even though he lied to a Senate panel during the confirmation process.

新唐人电视台遂把李洪志信口雌黄的“神传文化”视为挽救其系列赛事流产的救命稻草,荒唐绝伦。What a ridiculous act that NTDTV regarded the "culture passed by gods" remarked by Li Hongzhi as the last straw of its series contests.

美国则规定,代言产品的公众人物必须是产品的使用者,一旦发现其信口雌黄会被重罚。The United States, public figures speak products must be the product users, once found his irresponsible remarks are subject to heavy penalties.

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李洪志狂妄至极,信口雌黄,竟把宗教文化歪曲成神为认识他的法而作铺垫的“神传文化”。Li Hongzhi was so madcap and irresponsible that he distorted the religious culture as a "culture passed by gods" with the purpose of making preparation for people to accept his lections.