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这是最让中国人扬眉吐气的单词!Im proud of being a Chinese.

今天的中国扬眉吐气。Today China is proud and elated.

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当我们进球之后我们的球迷就扬眉吐气了。But then our fans erupted when we scored.

等我事业有成的那天,也就是我扬眉吐气的时候。I have a successful career, such as the day is when I feel elated.

我知道,生活将不会同过去一样,反复实践,我感到扬眉吐气。I knew that life would never be the same again, and I felt elated.

不要因为一些挫折就气馁。每个人都会有扬眉吐气的一天。Don't get discouraged just because of some setbacks. Every dog has his day.

中国终于能够在网球大满贯赛上扬眉吐气了。At continued last China can avowal of a tennis player in a Grand Slam final.

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现在你已被宣判无罪,你可以扬眉吐气了。Now you have been acquitted on all the charges, you can hold your head high.

铑镀金项链与月光晶体在独家扬眉吐气,削减。Rhodium-plated necklace with a Moonlight crystal in the exclusive Elated cut.

铑镀下降,穿耳环与月光晶体在独家扬眉吐气,削减。Rhodium-plated drop pierced earrings with a Moonlight crystal in the exclusive Elated cut.

你已取得资格并获得了第一个专业职务,你可以扬眉吐气了。You can walk tall now that you've qualified and gained your first professional appointment.

所有人都扬眉吐气,说通往艾季达比耶的公路成了死亡地带,我开车出城查看。Everyone said proudly that the road to Ajdabiya was a charnel ground, and I drove out to see it.

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如今,T恤衫得以再度扬眉吐气,成为其穿着者的一面镜子。Now, the T-shirt has found its tongue again, and become the reflection of the person wearing it.

被西方国家掌控一个世纪之后,很少有人愿意完全否认中国迎来的这个扬眉吐气的日子。After centuries of humiliations at western hands, few could fairly deny China a self-glorifying day in the sun.

我也希望这一天早点到来,这才是中国人真真扬眉吐气的日子。I really wish one day our team could do the same thing to Japanese! Watching other people did it gave me a mixed feeling.

明亮的灯光,不仅方便自己,还会给人扬眉吐气、焕发和亲切友好的印象。Bright light, go to the lavatory not only oneself, still can give a person feel proud and elated, coruscate and kind and friendly impression.

和你一样,我们感到扬眉吐气,有足够的标志,解除你,让你知道确定性,最终的时间现在已经开始。Like you we feel elated that there are sufficient signs to lift you up, so that you know with for certainty that the end-times have now begun.

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非定量学科似乎有了个扬眉吐气的机会——过度依赖复杂符号和晦涩公式的危险这回算是暴露无遗了。The non-mathematical appear to have their revenge, as the perils of over-reliance on complex symbolic notation and arcane formulae are relentlessly exposed.

当代都邑赋承传了汉大赋的创作规范和艺术传统,吸纳着新时代的社会文化精神,以崭新的艺术风姿扬眉吐气登上了文坛。The modern prose retains the writing model and the artistic flavor of that of Han Dynasty, but absorbs the cultural diversity of the new era at the same time.

奥运会的成功举办让国人扬眉吐气,而汶川大地震和国际金融危机也让我们记忆深刻。Successful staging of the Olympic Games so that people feel proud and elated, and Wenchuan earthquake and the international financial crisis, let us also remember the profound.