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这支歌改编已成大合唱。They were all singing in chorus.

她把小说改编为电影。She adapted the novel for movies.

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这部影片是根据一部长篇小说改编的。This film was adapted from a novel.

那故事可改编成很好的戏。The story would dramatize admirably.

此剧系由一部小说改编而成。The play has been adapted from a novel.

他正把那部小说改编为电视剧。He is adapting the novel for television.

他们正在把一本小说改编成话剧。They are arranging a novel for the stage.

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本片剧本由阿齐瓦·高斯曼改编自丹·布朗的小说。Akiva Goldsman adapted the Dan Brown book.

那支起义部队被改编了。The insurrectionary army was redesignated.

好的小说并不总能改编成好电影。Great books don't always make great movies.

乐曲曾被改编为古筝曲。Music has been adapted for the Zheng music.

那本小说已被改编成剧本了。That novel has been rearranged into a play.

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而该芭蕾舞剧使用的就是大仲马改编的版本。The ballet is based on this version by Dumas.

这部影片是根据D.H.劳伦斯的小说改编的。This film is based on a novel by D.H.Lawrence.

本剧根据亚瑟王与魔法师梅林的故事改编。Based on a king Arthur and the sorcerers story.

尤其是他的钢琴改编曲最具代表性。His representative work is piano recomposition.

这个剧是根据格雷厄姆格林的一本小说改编的。The play is based upon a novel by Graham Greene.

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读者应该看过这本书改编成的电影“The reader should have seen the book in a movie."

他的另一部小说又被改编为电影了。Another novel of his was new-modelled into a film.

谁知道这改编自哪首歌的歌词Anybody know--figure out what that corresponds to?