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那小子是个老油条。That guy is a slippery customer.

这个说法并不能说服华尔街的老油条。This spin did not convince old pros on Wall Street.

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这人是个老油条了,你别太相信他。This guy's a wily old bird. Don't believe what he says.

来这儿还不到一周,你做起事儿来就像是个老油条。Not even a week in here and you're already working it like an old con.

如果你是一个老油条,这篇文章看不看无防!If you are a sophisticate , this article does not look without prevent!

我们都知道他这个人是个老油条,老谋深算。可是那个爱他的女孩却不相信!We all know that he a wily old bird, but that gril who love him did not believe that.

就让那些“老油条”们认为我是一个“老学究”,似乎是一种逃离这一规则的方式。It should be better that the sophisticates believe I'm just a pedant and innocent in promoting.

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詹姆斯身边有更多的角色球员可以信赖,凯尔特人队有更多的老油条值得托付,而科比的湖人队呢?LeBron James has better role players and the Celtics have more pride than the Los Angeles Lakers.

警方已经确认凶手是29岁的凯文·提利,一位4次被判重罪的老油条。之前帕克已经和他交往了6个月。Police identified him as Calvin Tillie, 29, a four-time convicted felon whom Parker had dated for six months.

如果你的访客是精通技术的互联网老油条,必须先把他们从那些上网只为了看看孙女儿照片的人群区分出来。If your visitors are tech-savvy Internet veterans they’re going to have a different set of priorities than someone who only goes online to look at photos of their grand-kids.

除此之外,长期熬夜加班再加上岁月的痕迹,让榴莲族的脸色不怎么好看,而且“职场老油条”的榴莲族们,往往脸皮都比较厚。In addition, people in the durian clan often don't look so well due to years of overwork and signs of aging. And as old hands in the workplace, they usually have thicker skin than others.