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修剪、烫发。A trim and perm.

修剪然后烫发。A trim and perm.

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比尔精心修剪了他的胡须。Bill preened his beard.

你怎么修剪种秣草地呢?How do you cut a hayfield?

我想修剪头发并烫一下。I'd like a trim and a perm.

他已修剪过指甲。He has trimmed up his nails.

我叫理发师把头发修剪一下。I asked the barber for a trim.

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我用了树篱式修剪机来代替。I used a hedge trimmer instead.

不要修剪那里的紫藤。Do not trim those wisteria vines.

修剪死皮对指甲有害么?Is cutting cuticles bad for nails?

他一直在修剪梨树。He has been pruning the pear trees.

园丁修剪了灌木丛。The gardener clipped the shrubbery.

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你能通过修剪架枝来繁殖这个植物。You can propagate it from cuttings.

他用园艺大剪刀修剪树篱。He cut the hedge with garden shears.

园丁把所有的灌木丛都修剪了。The gardener cut back all the bushes.

他修剪玫瑰时双手刮伤得很厉害。He gashed his chin badly when shaving.

我们必须把病枝修剪掉。We must cut out the diseased branches.

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绗缝与专利修剪尼龙制成。Made of quilted nylon with patent trim.

浸透雪耳及云耳,冲洗及修剪。Soak fungus until soft. Rinse and trim.

那位丈夫在每个周六修剪草坪。The husband mows his lawn on Saturdays.