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其余的只留在婆罗洲,成为巽他云豹。Another hung on in Borneo, becoming the Sunda clouded leopard.

是什么导致了巽他云豹进化上的分野还不得而知。It is unclear what caused the Sunda clouded leopard to evolve into two forms.

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研究人员认为野生状态下的巽他云豹数量不足1万只。Researchers believe there are less than 10,000 of the cats alive in the wild.

研究人员认为野生状态下的巽他云豹数量不足1万只。Researchers believe there are less than 10, 000 of the cats alive in the wild.

婆罗洲云豹的大小与小型美洲狮相当,其犬齿长度相对于体型来说居猫科动物之首。The size of a panther it has the longest canine teeth relative to body size of any cat.

这种新的云豹的犬齿比同样大小的其它猫科动物的犬齿都长。The new species of clouded leopard has the longest canine teeth for its size of any cat.

苏门答腊岛首次拍摄到罕见的巽他云豹Spotted! The elusive Sunda clouded leopard of Sumatra is caught on film for the first time

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2004年2月,在曼谷附近一家动物园死亡的云豹身上检出病毒。In February 2004, the virus was detected in a clouded leopard that died at a zoo near Bangkok.

然而,基因研究揭示了两个不同云豹种类的存在。However, genetic studies revealed that there are actually two quite distinct clouded leopard species.

世界自然基金会利用这类伪装摄像设备捕捉到的动物还有苏门答腊虎,云豹,金猫和豹猫。The WWF's camera trap survey also snapped the Sumatran tiger, clouded leopard, golden cat, and leopard cat.

云豹原产于东南亚地区,但由于狩猎和大量的砍伐森林,已濒临灭绝。Clouded leopards are native to Southeast Asia, but are vulnerable to extinction because of hunting and deforestation.

云豹和日本大蝾螈是首次在美国国家动物园展出。The clouded leopard and Japanese giant salamander are new residents, on display in the National Zoo for the first time.

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不过,研究人员认为7万5千年前苏门答腊的火山喷发可能使大部分云豹灭亡。But the researchers think that a volcanic eruption on Sumatra 75,000 years ago may have wiped out most clouded leopards.

以前,这种猫科动物——如今被国际自然保护联盟列入易受伤害动物名单——被认为和大陆云豹是同一物种。Previously the cat—now listed as vulnerable by IUCN—was believed to be of the same species as the mainland clouded leopard.

埋伏于林中的相机在某个夜晚拍摄到一只稀有的云豹,这种猫科动物因皮毛上雨云模样的图案而得名。The camera-trap pictures include this night shot of a rare clouded leopard, so named for the nimbus-like pattern of its coat.

自2008年以来,国际自然保护联盟已将巽他云豹列为濒危物种。Since 2008, the Sunda clouded leopard has been listed as vulnerable by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

随后,巽他云豹又通过冰河陆桥迁移到了苏门答腊,但海平面上升导致的地理隔绝致使其演化成为两种不同类型的云豹。This evolved into two types after a group colonised Sumatra via glacial land bridges, and then became cut off as sea levels rose.

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科学家证实,新发现的猫种-----巽他云豹实际上存在两个不同的品种。The "newest" cat species described to science, the Sunda clouded leopard, actually exists in two distinct forms, scientists have confirmed.

丹浓谷同时也是一百一十多种哺乳动物的庇护家园,这些动物包括了亚洲象、云豹与飞狐猴。The Danum Valley also serves as a sanctuary to more than 110 mammals, including the Asian elephant, the clouded leopard, and the flying lemur.

它们从15只婆罗洲巽他云豹和16只苏门答腊巽他云豹身上采样,做分子基因研究,以揭示它们的起源。They sampled 15 Sunda clouded leopards living on Borneo and 16 living in Sumatra, conducting molecular and genetic studies to reveal their origin.