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在山洞里发现的步枪装饰品。Rifle decorations found in a cave.

祭坛的装饰品不应如此俗丽。The altarpiece should not be so gaudy.

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是一款不可多得的汽车装饰品!Is a model of rare automobile ornament!

廉价珠宝是华而不实的装饰品。A bauble is a showy ornament of little value.

圣诞树上的装饰品熠熠生辉。The gitter of the Christmas tree decorations.

胸饰,胸铠,胸章,胸针佩于胸前的装饰品或勋章。An ornament or a decoration worn on the chest.

附有他肖像的装饰品很流行。The adornments with his portrait were popular.

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足够两打人使用的婚礼装饰品。Enough wedding china to serve two dozen people.

他给她购买小装饰品并带她去看戏。He buy her trinket and take her to the theater.

它用圣诞树上的装饰品打扮得很好。It was festooned with Christmas tree ornaments.

墙上有一个贝壳做成的装饰品。There is an ornament made of shells on the wall.

你觉得我们应当取掉这些装饰品吗?Do you think we should take down the decorations?

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剑盾形状的黄金制装饰品。A gold ornament in the shape of a sword and shield.

景泰蓝和玉器装饰品都很有名。Blue of Jingtai and jade ornaments are quite famous.

装饰品表明全球市场的折衷和兼容。Decorations show the eclecticism of the global market.

这就是我们常看到的和服背后的装饰品。That is why we often see behind the kimono accessories.

指甲花是来自印度的一种暂时性的皮肤装饰品。Henna is a temporary form of skin decoration from India.

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树上挂着许多装饰品和一串彩灯。It is festooned with decorations and a string of lights.

在他那剃得光光的脑袋上,没有任何装饰品。His closely shaved head was without ornament of any kind.

番瓜在美国也作为万圣节前夕的装饰品。Pumpkins are used in the U. S. for Halloween decorations.