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如果进展顺利的话,你就能轻松的将约会顺延到晚上的用餐时间了。If things are going well it is easy to expand on your evening.

在平季,折扣不应该被顺延执行。Discounts should not be extended during peak occupancy periods.

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将一项活动推迟或拖延或顺延到以后的。Putting off or delaying or deferring an action to a later time.

根据合同有关规定,你的当事人是否有权顺延工程进度时间表?Is the client entitled to an extension of time under the contract?

新团体保健保险计划条例的实施要顺延到七月一日后。The new regulations become effective for plans issuedafter July 1.

不过期限的最后一日如果是节假日,可以顺延。the deadline fall in the vacation or holiday , it can be put off in turn.

大会遇雨顺延。In case of rain the mass meeting will be postponed till the first fine day.

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以上日期逢周末顺延至下周一。The dates mentioned above will be postponed to the next Monday due to the weekends.

如扣账日为非工作日,则顺延至下一个工作天。The debit date will be on the next working day if the day fails on a non-working day.

合同中约定或甲方代表同意给予顺延的其他情况。Promise in contract or other conditions which Party A agree to prolong completion date.

本社将发通告,或以电话通知,堂數将自动顺延。Notices will be handed out during classes or by phone. Classes will be automatically postponed.

第二个五分钟显示出顺延第一个五分钟方向上等量的推动力。The second five minutes shows an equal thrust in the direction of the first five-minute period.

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凡课当日为公众假期,当日兴趣班顺延至下周举行。For the interest class date felt on a public holiday, the lesson will be proponed to a week later.

每一次你对一个功课选择捷径,它简单地顺延到新现实让你接著运作。Each time you choose to shortcut a lesson, it is simply deferred to the new reality for you to work on then.

我们所需要的就是保持一种强烈的想往,想往着顺延属于自己的轨道行进,想往着为此而作出必须的工作。All we need is a powerful intention, and a willingness to do the work necessary to moving forward on our path.

如悬挂八号风球或以上,或黑色暴雨警告讯号发生时,活动将顺延至下一日举行。If typhoon signal no. 8 or Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted, the activity will be postponed for the next day.

因此因素我们的奖励办法之截止日期将顺延到元月十五日止。For this reason, the deadline for special reward for new club chartering will be postponed to January 15, 2008.

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若当天是星期六、星期日或公众假期,将会顺延到翌日工作天发放。If that is a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, it will be distributed on the first working day after the holiday.

扣款日期为每月16日,如遇公众假期则顺延至下一营业日。The debit day is on 16th every month. If the debit day occurs on holiday, it would be postpone to next business day.

如当日幼儿中心因公众假期恶劣天气或其他原因关闭则不计算则顺延至下一个运作日。Data is collected on the next operating day when a CCC is closed due to public holiday, bad weather or other reasons.