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明月在流水里飘忽彷徨。I see the moon wiggling in the stream.

那爱情被轻视的痛楚,权益被慢待的彷徨。The pangs of despised love, the law's delay.

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数十亿计美元的投入让每一个人都在彷徨。Billion of dollars make many every of us swirl.

仰头相向鸣,夜夜达五更。行人驻足听,寡妇起彷徨。Pedestrians stop to listen, a widow from a loss.

她彷徨在这寂寥的雨巷。She wanders along the solitary lane in the rain.

她的双唇第一次彷徨地抖动起来。For the first time her lips quivered uncertainly.

我宿命的在流浪之途彷徨,最后消失。My fate vacillates aimlessly and finally runs its course.

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勿彷徨,脱素裹着春装,忆流芳。Don't go out of the spring fragrance, recalling the stream.

入夜,肇庆单独彷徨在船头,往事记忆犹新。At night, zhaoqing alone at the bow, the past oscillated memory.

可恶秋老虎仍彷徨,处暑时节要鉴戒。Abhorrent still wandering, autumn season will alert the scorching.

因我不该离开你,我彷徨而去却伤到了自己。For evilly had I left thee, and to my own hurt had I wandered away.

在那时,一个迷失的小孩疑惑着,彷徨着,踌躇着。At that moment, a lost kid constantly wonders, wanders, and flounders.

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生活很无趣彷徨和迷茫伴随着我。Very uninterest hesitate life and mentally stupefied are following me.

虽是生命之光的沐浴,对于未知依然彷徨地爱着。They are bathed in the light of life, but hesitatingly love the unknown.

然妾心忏悔,百般挣扎,踌躇彷徨,畏葸不前。My thought struggled at confessing, somehow hesitation ended in flinching.

因那彷徨和等待,都已煎熬成殇,坠入轮回。A loss and wait for it, have been suffering into War, fell in reincarnation.

人,这个奇怪的动物,总是在彷徨中一路前进。Human, this strange animal, always in pacing back and forth a group advance.

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正在八千少日的渐渐里,除彷徨外,又剩些什么呢?What have I been doing in that eight- thousand-day rush, apart from hesitating?

也请不要再迷惑彷徨于你所感兴趣的那些事情上,因为你是无法选择的。And stop deluding yourself that you have so many interests that you can't choose.

我开始极度彷徨,巴拿马让人迷茫,闪耀你发光。I begin to be awfully hesitating, people are confused by Panama who shines you light.