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中继线路基板配置于第一芯片上。The relay circuit base board is arranged on the first chip.

桥式放大器CATV中继线电缆中安放的一种放大器,用于馈接分支电缆。Bridge Amplifier An amplifier installed on a CATV trunk cable to feed branching cables.

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在支线和中继线的接合点,电线必须被叠接起来。At the junction of a branch line and the trunk line, the wires must be spliced together.

机械的备用件是可移动的,而且一个金属制的福特象征被附标到中继线相配在引擎盖上的那一个。The spare is removable and a metal Ford emblem is affixed to the trunk to match the one on the hood.

T103测试线用于长途局间中继线上所有监控和信令功能测试。The T103 is used for the overall testing of supervisory and signaling features on inter- toll trunks.

第二焊线电性连接于中继线路基板与承载器之间。The second bonding wire is electrically connected between the relay circuit base board and the loader.

第一焊线电性连接第一芯片与中继线路基板之间。The first bonding wire is electrically connected between the first chip and the relay circuit base board.

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中继线与现实的交易所席子一起复制事物,而且轮带与位于它之后的车身顶架一起造形。The trunk is replicated with realistic floor matting material and the tire is formed with the jack stand located behind it.

组群忙音是通过在塞绳交换台上的中继线塞孔插塞套部分的低音来显示可闻电话系统音。Group Busy Tone is audible tone of telephone system that is indicated by low tone on the sleeve of trunk jacks at cord switchboards.

这就要求用新型的电路交换网关,它们具有局域网接口和与公用网和用户交换机电话中继线连接的特点。This requires new kinds of circuit-switching gateways that feature LAN interfaces and telephony trunk connections to public networks and PBXs.

电话通讯系统采用虚拟交换局方式,中继线60条,展馆内外采用ic卡。With 60 junction lines, the telephone communication system will operate by virtual exchange. The Exhibition Hall is equipped with IC telephones.

T104测试线。用于双向传输损耗测量,由远至近噪声测量以及通常用于测试长途中继线的由远至近的噪声。The T104 test, used for two-way transmission loss measurements, far-to-near noise measurements and near-to-far noise checks is normally used in testing toll trunks.

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短短几年,Gucci品牌吸引了其复杂谁寻求马术为灵感的包包,中继线,手套,鞋,皮带收集的国际客户。Within a few years, the Gucci label attracted a sophisticated international clientele who sought out its equestrian-inspired collection of bags, trunks, gloves, shoes, and belts.

对开关信号进行直接编码,采用3个连续出现的大码距字节表示开关信号的一个状态,编码后的信号利用电信网的数字中继线路传输。The switch signal was encoded directly and one state was expressed with 3 long distance sequence code, then it was transmitted through the digital relay line of telecommunication network.

并着重介绍电话网关接口单元的构成和中继线的概念,分析它们以及语音处理单元在电话网关中的作用,以研究实现电话网关的系统方案。Then , the structure of telephone gateway interface and trunk interface are introduced and their functions in telephone gateway are analysed by which a telephone gateway scheme is designed.

若远端局测试线方案已知,那么将直接执行该方案测试线。T100测试线的每根中继线2秒延时测试将被取消。If the version of the distant office test line is known, then that version of the test line can be performed directly, and thus the two-second delay per trunk of the T100 test line test is eliminated.