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千呼万唤天上来,满山遍野槐花开。Numerous calls from the sky, the hillsides Huaihua open.

如今各项条件均已具备,在大家的千呼万唤之后,它也终于决定要来了。Now the conditions are in place, everyone in the long-awaited , it finally decided to come.

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然而这为期两周的来访却是千呼万唤,从中国远道而来的学生们比预期的二月十日迟来了一天。But the two-week visit seemed almost over before it began. The Chinese students arrived late Feb. 10.

千呼万唤使出来,一席缀有2500颗莱茵石的裸色露背长裙让梦露惊艳全场。Upon finally coming on stage, Monroe stunned the audience with her backless flesh coloured gown with 2, 500 rhinestones sewn into it.

攀华山只顾了脚下方寸,心来不及骋游,登庐山云又太顽皮,千呼万唤犹抱琵琶。Panzhihua Huashan only at the foot of the confusion, heart not Cheng swim, climb Mount Lu cloud is too naughty, time and again hold the pipa.

我们都习惯了,党千呼万唤始出来宣布的“突破”其实早已成了行事惯例,而真正的问题被巧妙地绕开。As so often with long-awaited party pronouncements, much of the "breakthrough" is already common practice and the toughest issues are skirted.

当我们在夏日炎热的太阳下焦急地等待时,一个戴眼镜的年轻人终于千呼万唤使出来,告诉我们跟着他进办公楼。While we were waiting anxiously in the hot summer sun, a young man wearing glasses finally made his presence and told us to follow him into the office building.

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当我们在夏日炎热的太阳下焦急地等待时,一个戴眼镜的年轻人终于千呼万唤使出来,告诉我们跟着他进办公楼。While E we were waiting anxiously in the hot summer sun, a young man wearing glasses finally made his presence and told us to follow him into the office building.

旅游法千呼万唤仍不能出台的根本原因,在于对旅游法的许多根本问题缺乏正确的认识,当然更说不上深入研究。The basic reason why China's Travel Law still fails to come into being is that we are not correctly aware of many fundamental problems, let alone an in-depth research.

面对批评,国民银行的自卫反击可谓是千呼万唤始出来,或许是由于感到了舆论的压力,该行终于发表了一份长达11页的”致同胞书”,历数其业务存在致必要,言语颇有挑衅意味。Perhaps sensing opinion turning against it, the bank has belatedly sprung to its own defence, issuing a defiant justification of its business in an 11-page “letter to our peers”.

沐浴着凉爽的秋风,踏着浪漫的秋色。我们在千呼万唤中终于迎来了第一界校园文化英语周活动。我们八年级全体学生以极大地热情走入了丰富多彩的英语世界。We welcome the first Campus Cultural English Activity Week with the cool wind and charming autumn scenery. All the students from Grade Eight went into colorful English world actively.

而佛山大道之上,南接乐从,北迎广佛的佛山国际家居博览城正是这个千呼万唤的行业巨星。Therefore, Foshan International Furniture Expo Mall in the Foshan Avenue that connects Lecong to the Guangfo Economic Cycle from south to north rightly plays the role of a giant in the industry.