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志向是人们立身处世、建功立业的根基。Ambition is also the basis of communication and making achievements.

他给我们讲述他当登山运动员时建功立业的一些令人毛骨耸然的事。He told us some hair-raising stories about his exploits as a mountaineer.

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我想像我父亲那样在战斗中建功立业,难道错了吗?Is it wrong to want to distinguish myself gloriously in combat as my father did?

西部大开发是当代青年知识分子建功立业的大舞台。Western development is a great chance for the current Chinese youth intellectual.

激励员工为公司的发展建功立业。Motivating our employees to render meritorious service for the company development.

谢孝彰急迫希望建功立业,申请随韩团同行。XieXiaoZhang urgent hope building a solid career, application with Korea regiment together.

新建厂房8800平方米,已投入使用,与原厂房一起为公司发展建功立业。With 8800 square meters factory area, our new plant has been put into use together with original plant.

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在京派小说中也可以看到男性的衰老恐惧,只是没有上升到建功立业、保家卫国的层次。Novels in Beijing can see the fear of aging men, but he did not rise to the merits and defend the motherland level.

我们谋求这样一个未来——巴勒斯坦人在自己的主权国家生活,他们建功立业的能力不受任何制约。We seek a future where Palestinians live in a sovereign state of their own, with no limit to what they can achieve.

再说,哪个男人又没有过横刀立马建功立业的梦想?Say again, which man have never led again curtate sword to sign the nightmare that Ma Jian Gong establishes a career?

就好像你选择独自一人来到北疆,投奔赵晖,建功立业。Seem you to select to a person alone arrive at north Jiang, go to Zhao Hui and set up an fulfilment to build a profession.

也许,他们期望着真的有朝一日会变为一把锋利的弯刀为它的公司建功立业。Perhaps, they are expecting true some day can turn into be sharp machete its company is built result establish line of business.

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与西方在宗教安慰中消除对死亡的恐惧不同,中国古代文人士子以建功立业达到对死亡的超越。In the west, people's fear toward death can be erased with religious comfort. Yet it is quite different from that in ancient Chinese works.

1949年又受命回云南工作,为云南的和平解放和社会主义事业再建功立业。In 1949, he was assigned to work in Yunnan where he made remarkable contributions to Yunnans peaceful liberation and socialist construction.

其基本内涵就是表现诗人渴望建功立业的宏伟抱负和怀才不遇的愤懑不平。Its basic connotation is to express the ambition of poets desire for gaining achievements and the indignation of their unrecognized talents.

定期估量一下你真正能做的有什么,把它作为你建功立业的一部分,并且坚持不懈,精益求精。Assess what you can realistically do on an on-going basis, commit to it as part of building your business, and do it consistently and with high quality.

建安时期士人普遍具有强烈的建功立业愿望,以曹植为代表的游侠类诗歌应运而生。The scholars have strong desire to make contributions and achievements in the Jian'an period, and then the ranger poetry represented by Cao Zhi was created.

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世界上不知有多少可以建功立业的人,却因为把宝贵的时间轻轻放过,以致默默无闻。We can't tell how many people in the world who should have made contributions remain obscure all their life just because they let slip valuable time lightly.

养气观在儒家士人那里发展成了胸怀天下,建功立业的进取精神。Nourish the spirit view the private person develops there at Confucianism breadth of view world, set up the enterprising spirit that the achievement establish a career.

宋词中的侠文化表现出结交壮游、游冶享乐、建功立业三大特征。Three characteristics are featured in the chivalry culture of Song Ci, such as making friends with chivalrous men, enjoying sightseeing and performing meritorious deeds.