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优化与简明性是相悖的。Optimization is the enemy of clarity.

这种数据与事实相悖的情况引起了一些人的认知失调。This has caused some cognitive dissonance.

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我只是想指出,与我们的阅读相悖的一点。I just want to point out that contradicts one of our readings.

避免把与主题相悖的元素包含进来。Avoid including other elements that conflict with the main subject.

尽管与公众看法相悖,编程语言并非个个生而平等。Despite public perception to the contrary, they are not created equal.

法庭的裁决与法官书记官的意见相悖。The decision of the court runs counter to the advice of the clerk to the justice.

其次是我们享受与解脱相悖的一切的串习是如此地强烈。The second is, the habit of enjoying the opposite of the liberation is so strong.

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有两件事与声称该洗发水清洁力强的事实相悖。There are two things going against the claim that this shampoo will clean better.

不论观点如何相悖,但都是实实在在的经验之谈。What neither side does, however, is refer to empirical evidence. But this exists.

我们要么让自己与它们相悖,要么去学习它们、调整它们、利用它们,并感激它们。We might as well learn them, accommodate them, utilize them and be grateful for them.

同时,这也与党的十七大提出的“大部制”改革理念相悖。At the same time, it also runs counter to the reform concept of "General Departments".

信仰确能答理性所不能答之惑,并不与人们所见相悖。Faith indeed tells what the senses do not tell, but not the contrary of what they see.

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看,善行阻止分离是一回事情,而一旦与生活相悖,又是另一回事了。Look, good against remotes is one thing, good against the living, that's something else.

最早与人类社会这个普遍传统,相悖且最为鲜明的例子就是古希腊The first and the sharpest break with this common human experience came in ancient Greece.

这种方法很难大规模使用,并且可能和关于乡海洋中倾倒物质的国际法相悖。Hard to do on a significant scale and could contravene international laws on ocean dumping.

这是一个令人震惊的结果,与主流经济理论完全相悖。This is an astonishingly strong effect – and utterly counter to mainstream economic theory.

这个争议直击这个国家经济需求与一些最根深蒂固的社会价值观相悖的问题。This debate pits the country's economic need against some of its most deeply held social values.

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我需要一些与常态相悖的东西提醒才能区分二者,比如发现自己搬着个滴水嘴兽雕像。I have to be triggered by something out of the ordinary, like noticing that I'm carrying a gargoyle.

这两种如此截然相悖的情感,而它们又能否在同一个身体和心灵的领地共生呢?The two seemingly complete-opposite emotions, could they co-exist at the same realm of body and soul?

教师这样对待学生的行为不但是违法的,同时与教育人道主义原则也是相悖的。Such action is not only against law, but also inconsistent with educational humanitarianism principles.