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倾盆大雨劈头盖脸地浇了下来。The rain came pelting down.

记者们的问题劈头盖脸地问了一大堆。Questions showered on him by the reporters.

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她刚才劈头盖脸地给了他一通臭骂。She has just given him a good scolding right to his face.

挨了老板劈头盖脸的一顿洗涮后,你一定感到有点儿心神不定吧!After that blitz from the boss, you must feel sort of shaken.

我要把你带到一个角落,然后劈头盖脸的猛亲你。I want to drive you into the corner, and kiss you without a sound.

一时间,一波热流从拉胡尔背部向上涌起,劈头盖脸而来。Suddenly, a wave of heat ripples up Rahul's back and blankets his head.

了解如何在此免费视频油漆劈头盖脸绘画思想的海洋。Learn how to paint an ocean in this free video about face painting ideas.

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在盲目沉浸入爱情的几天后,你被劈头盖脸地告知自己的溃败。Immersed in blind love a few days later, you get to his face to inform their rout.

以最高速冲入一个低洼,他不要命地强行穿过,水劈头盖脸砸向汽车。We hit a low stretch at top speed, water swept over the car as he blasted through.

他们到了太平间,受到值班人员劈头盖脸的痛骂,算作打了招呼。They reached the morgue, and were greeted there by the curses of the attendant on duty.

他劈头盖脸就威胁那边的带头人,要让当局没收他们的器材。He confronted their leader and threatened to have the authorities confiscate their equipment.

我抬起头看见他站在我面前,劈头盖脸地把那桶汽油泼到我脸上。I look up to see him standing in front of me just as he throws this bucket of petrol in my face.

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一阵狂风掀走了整个房顶,在劈头盖脸的雨水中,一家人紧紧地依偎在一起。A blast of wind lifted the entire roof off the house. The whole family huddled in the slashing rain.

芭丝谢芭的感情快抑制不住了,她听着这个男人劈头盖脸的愤怒的诉说,绝望地摇着头。Bathsheba's control was breaking. She shook her head desperately as the man's angry words rained down on her.

阿泰斯特在比赛结束还有43。6秒,枷锁正准备快攻上篮或扣篮时对他劈头盖脸的犯规。Artest shoved Pau Gasol as the Lakers' center-forward moved in for a fastbreak layup or dunk with 43. 6 seconds to play.

本来等着夸奖的脱脱,遭到劈头盖脸的一顿斥骂,立刻沮丧地耷拉下耳朵和尾巴。Have been waiting to the praise, Tuotuo was vocal meal reproached, frustration immediately under the ears and tail droop.

日本第一季度的GDP数据就像所有坏东西都劈头盖脸袭来——或许洗碗槽除外。Japan's first-quarter GDP figures also look as though all the bad stuff has been thrown in—except, perhaps, the kitchen sink.

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如今,奥巴马遭遇了与Gaitskell相似的处境,本党激进分子的谴责劈头盖脸的投来,指责他缺乏热情,斗志,原则和毅力。Like Gaitskell, Mr Obama now stands accused by his own party’s bitter progressives of lacking fire, fight, principle and backbone.

当责骂劈头盖脸过来时,天开始下雨,马先生很快湿透了,这所有的一切被拍摄并电视直播。As they hurled insults at him, the skies opened and Mr. Ma quickly became drenched to the skin , all of it captured live on television.

我一朋友在联通实习,一天,一老头走近来,劈头盖脸就来句“给我办张移动卡,好吧?。I have a friend Unicom internships, one day, a old man approached, the about face, they use words, "Let me do Cheung mobile cards, right?"