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但是没有人开火。But no one fired!

枪炮向敌人猛烈开火。The guns belched at the enemy.

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他们向敌人开火。They opened fire on the enemy.

只要触击屏幕就能开火了。Just tap on the screen to fire.

攻打的军队继续在开火。The assailants' fire continued.

他们向正在逃跑的敌人开火。They fired at a fleeting enemy.

一把带着消音器的枪立即开火了。A gun with a silencer fires once.

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所以这就是他们开火的原因。And that's the reason they fired.

把混合物移开火源。Remove the mixture from the heat.

克隆人向克诺比开火。The clones opened fire on Kenobi.

起义者激烈地开火。The insurgents fired impetuously.

所有战舰,主炮准备开火。All ships prepare to fire main guns.

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如果敌人开火,就卧倒。If the enemy opened fire, keep down.

这时,一支枪从他背后开火了。Then, a gun opened up from his back.

单方告竣了开火协议。The two sides agreed on a cease-fire.

别朝我开火,我只是个译匠。Don't shoot me, I'm only a translator.

隐蔽的地方开火逼他们走出来。We shot them out of their hiding places.

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黎明时,我们的机关枪开火了。At daybreak our machine guns opened fire.

同步炮连接能源,准备开火。Synchro Cannons on line and ready to fire.

他们的意图就是直接朝我们开火。Their intention is to fire directly to us.