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你今天满面春风啊!You're very bright and breezy today!

那年轻的农夫满面春风地笑了。The young farmer smiled a springtime smile.

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埃里克满面春风地进来,带来的全是好消息。Eric just breezed in, full of the good news.

她热情洋溢,满面春风。Her face blazed with enthusiasm and happiness.

你今天看上去满面春风,什么事让你高兴起来了。I am looking for a skirt to go with this sweater.

她满面春风早早地赴约来了。She arrived bright and early for the appointment.

身边不断会有异性出现,满面春风,与异性十分投契。Easily meet your opposite sex, so enjoy your courtship.

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那个学生在考试中得到最高分,显得满面春风的。The student was all smiles when he got the highest score on the test.

“是米切尔?麦克迪尔吗?”他一只手向前伸,满面春风地问道。"Mitchell McDeere?" he asked with a huge smile and a hand thrust forward.

人们个个都满面春风,忘却了一切的忧虑、争斗、痛苦和烦恼。All people are smiling, forget all the worries, strife, suffering and trouble.

他想起了米尔德里德的那张小巧的瓜子脸,一笑总是满面春风。He thought of Mildred 's small heart-shaped face, and how it lit up when she laughed.

另一方面,我们很有理由相信,经理回家时满面春风,心情好到无以复加。On the other hand, as we may well believe, the manager came home in the sunniest mood.

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你的发言反响一定不错,你看起来满面春风的。Your presentation must have gone well. You look like the cat that swallowed the canary.

干罢,领导满面春风地端着酒杯到下一桌敬酒去了。Stem, the leadership face wreathed in smilesly carry wine cup to arrive next toast go to.

在穿上学位服的那一刻我欣喜万分,并且在随后的一天里都满面春风。At that moment when I was in academic dress, I was so happy and just smiled during the whole day.

柯林斯踏上富丽堂皇的铁栏阶梯,按了门铃,一个满面春风的黑人侍女把他领了进去。Collins went up the magnificent ironwork stairway, rang the Bell, and was admitted by a cheerful black maid.

黛西的脸在一顶三角形的浅紫色帽子下面歪向一边,满面春风、心花怒放地朝我看着。Daisy's face, tipped sideways beneath a three-cornered lavender hat, looked out at me with a bright ecstatic smile.

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她是一位严厉又幽默的好老师,她每天捧着崭新的书本,迈着轻盈的脚步,满面春风的走向讲台。She eis a tough and humor, good teacher, she holds new books every day, with lightsome pace, all smiles to the podium.

但最好不用向孩子们解释为什么满头银发的老头在服用了伟哥后变得满面春风。But it would be nice to not have to try and explain to children why the gray-haired people get all cuddly after popping blue pills.

孟佛莱瑟女士跟在这相当长的行列之后,支着一把紫丁香色的绸伞,两位满面春风的教师随侍左右。And last of the goodly procession came Miss. Monflathers, bearing herself a parasol of lilac silk, and supported by two smiling teachers.