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刃口不能有毛刺。Cutting edges must be free from burrs.

右下叶见不规则的有细毛刺的卵圆形肿块。Irregular spiculated ovoid mass is noted in RLL.

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毛刺的出现与制壳过程中面层型壳的开裂有关。Shell cracking is the source of veining defects.

使用油石侧边进行抛光或去毛刺。Polishing and deburring using the side of the tool.

管内无毛刺、锈斑、鳞片及其它杂物。Tube without burr, rusty spot, scales and other sundry.

油石顶端和侧面均可用于抛光或去毛刺。Polishing and deburring using the tip or side of a tool.

除去焊接飞溅并处理焊缝、毛刺使其光顺。Remove weld spatter and smooth weld seams and sharp edges.

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采用管道切割机,垂直切割管道并且清除毛刺。Using a tube cutter, cut tubing squarely and remove burrs.

工件应该保持清洁,没有MFG油,毛刺,锐边。Parts to be clean ad free of MFG oll, burrs, and sharp edges.

在去毛刺过程中会变形软化。So there is rod configurational change in the deburring process.

这个延时时间滤除了所有输入电压的毛刺。This time-out period filters any short input-voltage transients.

这些中心点必须排列成一行,并且保证心轴上没有毛刺的现象出现。The centers must be aligned and the mandrel must be free of burrs.

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最后,建议了几种新的去毛刺工艺,希望起到抛砖引玉的作用。In addition, several new deburring techniques are proposed in the paper.

采用卧式辊筒去屑机保证香口胶光滑无毛刺。Roller antidandruff horizontal plane to ensure no chewing gum smooth burr.

我相信所有的毛刺被清理,所以我并没有损害堵塞。I made sure that all the burrs were cleaned up so I didn't damage the plug.

去毛刺后,板面与孔是否完全干燥?Are the surface of the boards and holes completely dry after deburr process?

由于不会产生二次毛刺,避免了重复工作。No follow-up is necessary since it does not make any return or secondary burr.

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也检查所连接的管道是否清洁,没有碎片和毛刺。Also check that the adjoining pipework is clean and free from debris and burrs.

当毛刺吗小而均匀,他们是有效的机器吗去毛刺。When the burrs are small and uniform, they are effective for robotic deburring.

使用快干增强硅溶胶也有助于降低毛刺缺陷。It is also helpful to reduce the veining defects using enhanced colloidal silica.