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我们来做这种情况下的矩阵Let's produce that matrix.

视频矩阵终端?。VMT? Video Matrix Terminal?

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这是单位矩阵么?Is this the identity matrix?

矩阵乘法是有结合律的。Matrix product is associative.

矩阵是否可逆的两种。Either the matrix is invertible.

我会得到一个相同的矩阵。I will get back the same matrix.

,好,这就是矩阵乘法。So that's matrix multiplication.

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他写在另外一个矩阵里了They come from the other matrix.

基矩阵B是幺模的。The basis matrix B is unimodular.

循环码的矩阵描述。Matrix description of cyclic codes.

接下来,你需要分析这个矩阵。Next, you need to analyse the metrics.

这就意味着它们是互逆的两个矩阵。It means they are the inverse matrices.

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快速计算矩阵行列式的办法?The determinant of a matrix real quick?

创建一个正交投影矩阵。Creates an orthogonal projection matrix.

好,现在我们知道怎么把两个矩阵相乘了。OK, now we know how to multiply matrices.

那么,这个矩阵里有趣的是什么?So, what's interesting about this matrix?

确定史前文化矩阵的安全!Make sure the Protoculture matrix is safe!

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矩阵M可以用A逆来表示。The matrix M will be denoted by A inverse.

查阅供应商的存储支持矩阵。Review the vendor's storage support matrix.

设置一个矩阵用于像素矫正渲染。Setup a matrix for pixel-correct rendering.