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他盲目相信一切印刷品。He accepted blindly anything printed.

我能不能把这些书做印刷品邮寄?Can I send these books as printed matter?

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制作平版印刷品的艺术。Management or operation of a printing press.

这两份报纸可按“印刷品”计算邮费吗?。Can I send the two newspapers "Printed Matter"?

以一个有裂痕的印刷品的形式,金子来。The gold comes in the form of a crackled print.

虽然时代更迭,但是人们不会忘记通过电视传媒和印刷品相互讥讽嘲笑。Generations exchange sneers on TV and printed page.

印刷品有助于传播科学知识。The printing press helped diffuse scientific knowledge.

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中义印刷品上标示折线、裁切、出血的范围。A used in printing to identify folds , trims, and bleeds.

印刷品上标示折线、裁切、出血的范围。A used in printing to identify folds, trims , and bleeds.

广泛用于各种印刷品的折页。It is broadly used for folding various kinds of presswork.

别误会我的意思,对于印刷品的消亡我也很难过。Don’t get me wrong, I’m sad about the demise of print, too.

这个风景很美。我想知道这是真迹还是印刷品。This landscape is lovely. I wonder if it's original or a print.

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为印刷品质量评价提供了一种有效的方法。An effective way was offered for the presswork quality evaluation.

我想那一定是有人当印刷品拿错了寄走了。I think that someone must have taken the wrong when print sent away.

纸张印刷未乾燥前请勿移动,以免印刷品有背印异常产生。A. Don't move the printed paper before the ink dries to avoid setoff.

好吧,如果没夹有信件,这包裹可当作印刷品交寄。Well, if there's no letter, the parcel can the sent as printed matter.

更多的类似的印刷品有时是由re-inking的形象。A few more similar prints can sometimes be made by re-inking the image.

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旨在进一步提高轻量涂布纸的质量,替代传统的铜版纸用于高级印刷品。We want to improve the quality of LWC instead of art paper in printing.

在印刷品表面上涂布上光涂料之后,再经过压光机进行压光工艺。Press polishing –to polish on the surface of printed matter by pressing.

右面墙上的印刷品是我们姐夫Nick给我们的。The print on the right wall was given to us by our brother-in-law, Nick.