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黑昼茫茫,白夜朗朗。In blackest day, in brightest night.

进入“白夜”,恢复观看。Enter the white night, continue watching.

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昼的白夜的黑各有各的美。The White Night's black day each have their own beauty.

⊙、多少个日升日落,诠释这个黑天白夜。How many day litres of sunset, interpret the dark white night.

冰川发出的声响和白夜的光亮使我难以入睡。The noise from the glacier and the light of the midnight sun made it difficult to sleep.

以色列“白夜节”是为了庆祝特拉维夫市2003年7月被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然遗产之一。The annual White Night event celebrates Tel Aviv as a UNESCO World Heritage site in July, 2003.

跟很多从更加宽阔的视野理解艺术的艺术家一样,白夜热爱阅读哲学书籍和实验小说。Like most of the wide-field artists with a broader scope to comprehend art, he reads philosophy and experimental fictions.

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夏天的拉普兰,太阳终日不落,游客可以体会到别处难得一见的“白夜”奇景。The unique experience of summer in Lapland is enhanced by experiencing the nightless night or midnight sun when the sun doesn't set at all.

以色列特拉维夫市一年一度的“白夜节”庆祝活动中,著名魔术师赫兹迪安被倒吊在百米高的三座摩天楼间表演脱困特技。Hezi Dean, a famous magician from Israel, performed a magic between three skyscrapers as part of the White Night festival in Tel Aviv, Israel on July 1.

在去年7月在以色列特拉维夫的白夜节上,Dean在三座离地数百米的高空的摩天大楼上的惊险杂技表演让围观的人都大为惊讶。During Israel's White Night Festival in Tel Aviv in July last year, Dean amazed onlookers with his acrobatic display while being suspended between three skyscrapers, hundreds of feet above the ground.