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他还从来没有遇见过使他上进的女人。He had never known women who had made him better.

他没有上进的理想,也没有贪图享受的奢望。He had no forwardly idea or desire for enjoyment.

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即便不求上进的人也面临惰性的问题。Even thenonstriving person has the problem of inertia.

你骂他不求上进是应该的。It is proper that you should scold him for his idleness.

必须在学业上求上进,力求学历尽量高些。I should climb up the academic ladder as high as possible.

后上进风,铝合金框架,赜涂蒙板。Back upper intake air, aluminium alloy frame, coated steel.

好学上进,不断提高,完善自我。Be willing to learn, continuously improve, and perfect ego.

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待人诚恳守信,工作积极,上进。易相处,具团队精神。Sincere, Hard working, Self-motivated, of team work spirit.

瑞吉纳国王的莉迪亚正在跟一个新的、积极上进的搭档磨合。Regina King's Lydia is dealing with an aggressive new partner.

你是个好学上进、乐于助人的好孩子。You are a study to make improvements, helpfulness of the child.

我是个在校大学生,性格开朗,礼貌上进。I was in college students, character, cheerful, courteous progress.

史朗达的分数非常糟糕,因为没人去激励她上进。Shronda's grades were lousy because no one pushed her to do better.

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促使你成功,上进的主要因素是什么?What's the main factor that impels you to succeed and make progress?

谁说九零后的孩子不求上进?Who says the children not far cry from those halcyon inherence. for?

他并不知道很多女人也曾因地力求上进,固然后果不佳。He did not know that many of them had done their best, bad as it was.

我的学历不高,但我是一个力求上进的人。I am not high educated but I will strive vigorously to improve myself.

懦弱的人不去解决问题,而坚强上进的人则不会逃避。Weak people don't go to counselors, but strong forward-moving people do.

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有稳定和长远的职业发展规划,乐观上进,不妄自菲薄,不半途而废。With longer and stable career plan. Being positive, confident and patient.

但他也任命了一批年轻而上进的改革家们就任内阁要职。But he has also appointed eager and youngish reformers to key cabinet posts.

说,“但是他一直都很好强也很上进,所以我知道只要他长大,他就会变得很好。”He was always feisty and competitive, so I thought if he grew, he could be good.