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男孩就像一名拳击手一样在目测对手。The boy is like a boxer sizing up an opponent.

目测外观及火花检漏仪检测弯管防腐层。Visual and holiday detection of the bend coating.

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检查刹车油是很简单,用目测法,。Check the brake oil is very simple, with Visual method.

他在入学做卷子题目测考题卷中成绩很好。He did Very abundance well in the entrance examination.

这种评估能力通常源自于目测。Such assessments usually spring from visual inspection.

他否则昨天在考试题目测考题卷中舞弊的男孩。He is not the boy who cheated in an examination yesterday.

方法采用目测法与鼠夹法。Methods Adoptting ocular estimate and mouse nippers method.

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用目测和半定量分析判断图像结果。Images were compared by visual and semi-quantitative analyses.

乔斯始终保持处在奔驰车的正前方,同时一边目测那辆车的速度一边让自己的车慢慢减速。Jose stayed in front of it, gauging its speed as his own car slowed.

克洛夫特凭着指南针目测了一下预定的行进方向。Croft took a sight with his compass in the direction he wanted to travel.

方法采用目测法,蟑螂盒诱捕法、药激法3种调查方法。Methods Eye seeing, cockroach catching box and insecticide stimulating method.

草原上没有一棵树木,所以我们难以目测距离。The trees have abandoned the flat landscape so now it’s hard to grasp distances.

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这种方法能用来处理太复杂以至于无法用目测法来解释的问题。This method can be used to handle problems too complex to be solved by inspection.

前牙薄型瓷贴面前牙修复后目测及测色仪检测色彩。Tooth color was measured by eye and colorimeter after thinner ceramic veneer restoration.

一种方法就像是你目测地面上的物体的距离。One method works like the way your own eyes determine how far away earthbound objects are.

这21例肿瘤全部被目测法与半定量分析判断为良性。These 21 tumors were all considered as benign by visual method and semiquantitative analysis.

焊接目测检验流程应符合P28A-AL-002的要求。Weld visual inspection procedure shall be in accordance with the requirements of P28A-AL-002.

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采用能量谐波方法显像,16节段半定量记分法目测评分。By taking power Doppler harmonic imaging, 16 segments for semi quantitative scoring were chosed.

穿起来很舒畅,很合适膂力活动,目测便利耐穿类型。It looks very comfortable, very suitable for physical activity, visual convenience durable type.

目测检验记录应保存一整年,并可随时调用。Visual examination records shall be maintained for the current year and must be available for review.