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医生让我停止工作养病。The doctor told me to sign off.

好了你先安心的养病。Well you at ease and recuperate.

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他去乡下养病去了。He went to the country to recuperate.

医生叫她在床上养病。The doctor ordered her to stay in bed.

出院后莫利文带小艾来到新的住处养病。Molly after discharge, with little moxa came to a new home for illness.

自荆州失陷,逃难在鲍家庄养病。Since escaping the Jingzhou catastrophe, I've been recuperating at Bao Hamlet.

伍德因腿伤在家养病未能出战安达卢西亚赛。Westwood did not play in Andalucia because he was at home resting his injured calf.

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第一次世界大战结束后,阿米莉亚患了肺炎并用一年时间养病。After World War One ended, Amelia spent a year recovering from the disease pneumonia.

他回到了游击区,在养病的时候,他思索了这一段经历。Back in the guerrilla areas, while Wang lay ill, he thought over his latest experiences.

圣诞节病情也没有好转,依然在家养病。Christmas day the condition has not changed for the better, still recuperates in the home.

挤不出时间休息娱乐的人迟早会被迫挤出时间养病。People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.

挤不出时间休息娱乐的人迟早会被迫挤出时间养病。People who cannot find time for recreation are obtiged sooner or later to find time for illness.

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我兄弟,福提斯在伊拉克打仗的时候,负了伤,现在他在家养病,他真的很幸运啊。“My brother Fotis was in Iraq,” he said. “He got shot in the shoulder. Now he's home. He was lucky.”

走的时候王涛还在养病,所以他并不知道梦凡为他所做出的牺牲。Time of walk Wang2 Tao still convalesce , so he really don't know dream any is him the sacrifice which is.

靖姿回家后与母亲林梅视像通话,林梅因有心脏病在澳洲养病。Jing appearance came home with his mother Lin Mei video calls, Lin Mei due to heart disease in Australia for illness.

这个软软的浴盆由白色三元乙丙橡胶和软木塞组成,它的构思很简单,可用于外出游乐,治伤养病或是洗餐具。Made of white EPDM rubber and cork, this soft tub was designed to be a simple option for outdoor fun, healing or washing up.

玉兰求日升帮助,日升不惜与信芳矛盾,终于强行带着玉枫要回老家去养病。Yulan beg Nison help, or at the contradiction with the letter Fang, finally forcibly with jade maple to go home to recuperate.

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说没有时间照顾自己的人很快就会发现他们自己所有时间都用来养病。The people who say they don't have time to take care of themselves will soon discover they're spending all their time being sick.

但是,他只读了一年,因患猩红热回巴塞罗那养病,从此结束了沉重时代。But, a his read-only year, because contracts scarlet fever to return to Barcelona to recuperate, from this time on had finished the serious time.

安凤霞听说了消息,匆匆赶来医院看望佟林,让他好好养病,自己联系给他转院手术的事情。Feng-xia an heard the news, rushed to the hospital to visit Lin tung, let him take good for illness, their contact for things he transfer operation.