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我们从简单的常识讲,以诗仙李白为例子。We have a simple common sense, to Shixian Li Bai as an example.

公元735年,诗仙李白游览后,在岩壁上写下了“壮观”二个大字。In 735 AD, Li Shi Xian tour, wrote in the Wall "spectacular" two characters.

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汉族,唐朝诗人,我国唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人,被后人尊称为“诗仙”。Han, Tang Dynasty poet, the great Romantic poet of the Tang Dynasty, who was later known as the "Poetry".

其形或似仙山名岳,或似珍禽异兽,或似名媛诗仙。The shape or name like mountains or mountain, like or like ladies Shixian rare fowls and strange animals.

在这些作品中不乏有反映“诗仙”李白的,而李白的道教情结也随之了然。Among these works there are some reflecting the so-called Immortal of Poem Li Bai and the Taoist emotion of Li Bai can be understood.

我们相信,成都的盛世景象正如诗仙李白描绘的“万国烟花随玉撵,西来添作锦江春”We believe, chengdu of flourishing picture as li bai's depiction of the nations with jade nian, west fireworks to add made jinjiang spring.

当江上的一盏孤灯熄灭了诗圣的摇晃身影,日后与诗仙比肩的一代奇才竟在默默无闻中仙去。When the river on a solitary lamp extinguished Shi-sheng shaking figure, later and poet as generation wizards was unknown to the public in the sin.

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“诗仙”李白,现已成为一种文化现象而被众多的学者所关注。The "Immortal Poet" Li Bai, a cultural phenomenon, has been paid close attention to by many scholars for the abundant cultural connotations in his poetry.

整个唐代诗人数以千计,诗仙李白、诗圣杜甫以及白居易等都是其中的佼佼者。In Tang Dynasty as a whole, the poets numbered thousands, among which Li Bai the Poetry Immortal, Du Fu the Poetry Sage and Bai Juyi were outstanding ones.

许多中国古代的诗人也在他们的诗文中表达了对月亮的渴慕,比如诗仙李白一生就写了超过320首跟月亮有关的诗。Many ancient Chinese poets also showed their preference for the moon through wonderful words. For example, the poetic genius Libai wrote more than 320 poems about the moon in his lifetime.

温泉度假村坐落于四川省第二大城市绵阳以西50公里,那里是古代著名诗仙李白的出生地。The hot spring resort is located 50 kilometres west of Mianyang, the second largest city in Sichuan Province, well known in China as the birthplace of the famous eighth-century-poet Li Bai.