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他10年前在这里落户的。He settled down here ten years ago.

你在心理上落户于你内心的错误想法上。You are mentally dwelling with error in your mind.

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那里的人们来党和拒绝落户。Where the people come to party and refuse to settle down.

大公司也吸引了许多名不见经传的小公司落户于此。Famous firms attract less well-known ones to set up nearby.

但海港城的建设目的不止于此,它的另一目的是使得更多21世纪新新产业落户于此。But HafenCity is also designed to house 21st-century industries.

落户于桃花源,美景美人,何尝人生不乐。Located in the the Peach Garden, beauty beauty, why life is music.

落户园区的企业可以享受出口加工区内特有的税收优惠政策。The zone can offer special tax preferential policies to companies there.

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它必须到处落户,到处开发,到处建立联系。It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connexions everywhere.

汇丰银行决定二月份起首席执行官将落户香港,但将保留伦敦的国际总部。HSBC decided that from February its chief executive will be based in Hong Kong.

我们最成功的妙举莫过于使纽柯钢铁公司落户阿肯色州东北部。Our biggest coup was getting NUCOR Steel Company to come to northeast Arkansas.

第九条西咸新区保证落户项目建设用地。Article IX Guarantee the construction land of project settled in Xi Xian New Area.

1998年至2000年,前智利领导人皮诺切特也在温特沃斯地区落户。From 1998 to 2000, the former Chilean leader Pinochet also realized in warm place.

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路透出生在德国,但最后他在伦敦落户,成为了一个英国人。Reuter was born a German, but he finally settled in London and became an English man.

2004年落户中国青岛后,又续在大连、厦门和深圳设办事处。Today, Eimskip has 3 additional offices in Dalian, Xiamen and Shenzen in the country.

年北京奥运会召开时建成。你对下一个迪斯尼主题公园落户中国上海有什么想法呢?What do you think of Shanghai, China as the location of the next Disneyland theme park?

为使证据开示制度落户于中国,我们要改善法制环境,并进行品种改良。In order to utilize publication system of evidence, we need improve the legal environment.

专业代办年审,过户,提档,落户,新车挂牌,二手车评估。Professional agents examined, transfer, put file, settled, new car listing used car evaluation.

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据悉,目前有意落户衡东的“富士康”核心配套企业已超过10家。It is reported intention to settle Hengdong "Foxconn" core supporting business has more than 10.

去年全市实现了首战之年大突破,一批重大项目相继落户。The City made a good beginning last year. A batch of significant projects settled in succession.

邓恩也曾将工厂从美国高工资的北方地区吸引到自己这里落户,但如今这些工厂却流向了低工资的亚洲。Once it lured factories movingfrom the high-wage North. But now it's losing them to low-wage Asia.