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我只是旁观。I just watched.

欢快的起舞,就像没人旁观一样。Dance as if nobody is waching you.

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他不准任何人旁观这道化妆过程。He allowed no one else to see this process.

旁观的那个掘墓人问道。inquired the grave-digger, who was looking on.

抢劫案发生时,许多人只是在旁观。A lot of people just looked on while the robbery happened.

当那两一自己抢劫一位妇女时,许多人只是旁观。Many people only easysted on when the few men robbed a woman.

“啊,它们多么可爱啊。”一个旁观的老兵说。"Aww, ain't that cute?" one of the old soldiers watching said.

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平台顺着游戏场地划出一道圆弧,创造出可以静坐旁观的阶梯看台。It wraps the playground to create a platform for the spectators.

我们不想仅仅充当旁观着,听众,或记录员。We did not feel like mere spectators, or listeners, or recorders.

一辆失控的赛车撞向路边旁观的人群。An uncontrolled race car slammed its way into the roadside on lookers.

我旁观过太多人像丢掉用过的一次性杯子那样把说过的话全都丢弃。I watched too many people throw them away like used-up Styrofoam cups.

我们走在悬崖旁观看瀑布,惧高者别这样做哦。Walking along the clift, those have height phobia please don't do this.

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“这很容易让人们旁观,'我可以做的更好”,Hutt说。"It's very easy for people to say on the sidelines, 'I could do better, '" Hutt said.

我们不能束手旁观,坐待犯罪网络毁掉我们共有的将来。We cannot afford to sit back and allow criminal networks to destroy our common future.

其他身着婚礼服饰的情侣亦被旁观群众致以热情问候。Many other couples dressed in bridal gear were greeted enthusiastically by the watching crowd.

其中一些人穿上印有加德纳犯人编号14873的T恤衫,不过当晚没有人去旁观枪决。Some wore T-shirts bearing Gardner's prisoner number, 14873, but none witnessed the execution.

旁观的人们哄然大笑,他觉得不太好意思。他不知道为什么要笑他,因为这是他第一次看见雪。The onlookers laughed uproariously , and he felt ashamed, he knew not why, for it was his first snow.

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因为很少有娱乐节目,人们发现旁观庭审是一个消磨时间的好办法。With few recreational activities to amuse them, people found attending trials to be a diverting pastime.

旁观的一位患者家属告诉记者,但到现在都没有个明确的说法。An onlooking patient family member told the reporters, but does not have an explicit view to the present.

当中国那些独断专行的人紧张的旁观中东暴动的时候,中国人权的不良记录也越来越多。China’s human rights record has gotten worse, as its autocrats nervously watch the Middle East uprisings.