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什么叫特大流行疫情?What is a pandemic?

因此,美国离疫情爆发也许仅一步之遥。So perhaps a U. S. outbreak was a near-miss.

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在许多情况中,可避免此类疫情。In many cases, such outbreaks can be averted.

在坦桑尼亚的艾滋病疫情趋于稳定!The AIDS epidemic in Tanzania is levelling off!

今天疫情的爆发已经得到了控制。Today the outbreaks appear to be under control.

没有关于家猫暴发疫情的报告。No outbreaks in domestic cats have been reported.

柬埔寨从1980年实施了登革热疫情报告制度。Dengue has been reportable in Cambodia since 1980.

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农业部表示,目前疫情已经得到有效控制。The ministry says the disease is now under control.

几内亚比绍经常流行霍乱疫情。Cholera epidemics regularly resurge in Guinea-Bissau.

自从SARS疫情以来,生意惨跌。Business has fallen off badly since the SARS epidemic.

但一名世卫组织官员说,并不一定会形成大规模流行疫情。But a WHO official says a pandemic is not a certainty.

控制蚊虫是主要的疫情控制活动。Mosquito control is the main outbreak control activity.

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在2010和2011年,疫情应对情况并不尽如人意。In 2010 and 2011, outbreak response has been inadequate.

此次疫情是政府监管不力和内讧的结果。It was the result of regulatory inaction and infighting.

在当前的疫情开始时,奥尔森很担心。At the onset of the current outbreak Olsen was concerned.

在爆发疫情的地区应避免食用鸡肉和鸡蛋。In outbreaks areas, chicken and eggs should not be eaten.

在卡杜纳州更多农场也发现了疫情。Outbreaks have also been detected at more farms in Kaduna.

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过去一周,芝加哥爆发痲疹,疫情有扩大趋势。An epidemic of measles broke out in Chicago this past week.

但随着2.3.2.1的扩散,疫情又有再度发生的可能。With the spread of, outbreaks are back on the rise.

这是利比里亚第三次宣布埃博拉疫情结束。This is the third time Liberia has been declared Ebola-free.