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“小背篓”比赛让我们乐不可支!This game makes us so happy!

"快乐"一词还不足以表达我的心情,我是乐不可支,飘飘欲仙。"Enjoyed" is too mild a word.

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两个孩子正乐不可支地推那秋千。” while two laughing children pushed her.

而米德尔顿的父母卡罗尔和迈克尔也是乐不可支。And Middleton`s parents, Carole and Michael, also gushed.

我们就是乐不可支,终于,终于我们开始有自己的家了。We were just happy that we were finally starting a family.

能喝一碗肉汤,能看一场电影,就是极大的享受,乐不可支了。Can drink a broth, can watch a movie, be biggest enjoy, unbearably happy.

他们的祖先大概是不会为葡萄牙殖民者的伟大壮举而乐不可支吧。their ancestors may not have been as fond of Portuguese colonial greatness.

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当我妈妈在YouTube上看到我们在布莱顿赤身裸体骑自行车时便笑得乐不可支。My mum had a laugh when she saw us in the Brighton naked bike ride on YouTube.

我们乐不可支地咧嘴笑着把马洛扶起来,把他拽到卡尔的房间里。Grinning and chuckling we lift Marlowe to his feet and haul him to Carl's room.

当时,我真乐不可支,如果给我机会的话,我简直想手舞足蹈了。I'll feel overjoyed, almost to the point of waving my arms and stamping my feet.

我看得出威尔逊为惹我生气而乐不可支,而且常常在背地里笑话我。I could see that Wilson enjoyed making me angry, and he used to laugh at me secretly.

大众对这期封面的反应褒贬不一,有的读者见之作呕而有的则乐不可支。Reaction to this cover was mixed, with some readers disgusted and others highly amused.

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从今以后让我抛弃自己的天赋技艺,然后像泊梦那样乐不可支地享受杀诗!From now on let me cast away my gifted art, And enjoy poem-killing with Moored Dream's playful heart!

但是另一方面,即使我不太会耍宝,还是可以轻易的就把她逗呵呵大笑乐不可支。But on the other hand, even if I can not play too funny, I may easily tease her laughs aloud overjoyed.

我仍然是乐不可支,心也仿佛飞上了高空。At this, I would be beside myself with joy and feel as if my heart were also flying high up into the skies.

不单单是他的辩护律师雷,就连法官大人,甚至公诉人都对被告的不幸和愚蠢感到乐不可支。Not only Ray but the judge and even the prosecutor seemed amused by the defendant’s haplessness and stupidity.

问问自己现在所吃的东西是否真正可口或乐不可支到可以牺牲自己目前身体所处状态的程度。Ask yourself if what you are eating is really that tasty or pleasurable that it is worth the current body that you have.

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单只发现了一些拉丁名的基本规律,我就乐不可支了,详见下表。This has already given me pleasure, as has discovering some of the basic rules of Latin names, described in the box below.

在海洋世界公园,海豹和海豚能够表演各种技巧,逗的小观众们乐不可支。The seals and dolphins in the Sea World are capable of various acting techniques, and this makes children audience overjoyed.

朝鲜的宣传机器和他们在韩方的支持者对平壤对美国、日本和韩国的外交胜利乐不可支。The North Korean propaganda organs and their supporters in the South chortled at Pyongyang's diplomatic victory over the United States, Japan, and Korea.