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我要和美兰妮结婚了。I'm going to marry Melanie.

大英帝国的支持者和美提人。A. United Empire Loyalists and Métis.

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摸索着存在的极致和美的理想。For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.

美和美的流泽将一起被截断。Beauty's effect with beauty were bereft.

你是我对青春和美的最高追求!You are my topmost pursuit for youth and beauty!

从此人间一切和美,万象更新。From now on all the and beauty, vientiane update.

将你的生命和美质多半掩藏。Which hides your life, and shows not half your parts.

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性和美是一回事,尤如火和火焰是同一回事。Sex and beauty are the same, just like fire and flame.

我们特别为您准备了点心和美酒。We've set up some canapes and wine especially for you.

麻醉药包括吗啡,鸦片,海洛因和美沙酮。Narcotics include morphine, opium, heroin and methadone.

位于华发新城,装饰时尚,供应美食和美酒。Trendy décor, good food and drinks. Nice location in Huafa.

但最重要的,是神的旨意和计划永远都是真实、公义和美善的。But his plans and purposes are always true and right and good.

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阿佛洛狄忒——爱、浪漫和美之神。Aphrodite The goddess of love and beauty, also called Cytherea.

他对文学和美艺术的热情没有止境。His enthusiasm for literature and the fine arts knew no bounds.

小乌出现在颤抖着的洛丽和美孟丽面前。Ulquiorra shows up where the now quivering Loli and Menoli are.

去意大利旅行的一大魅力就是那里的佳肴和美酒。Food and wine are among the great attractions of atrip to Italy.

一些人可能对英式和美式足球有些不解。Some people get confused with the name of this sport in English.

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国标舞和美式标准舞有什么区别?What's the difference between International and American styles?

之后,在牛鼻佩尔切和美军士兵之间爆发了战争。Later, fighting broke out between the Nez Perce and U. S. soldiers.

和美让人赶紧送到医院抢救,但云在天还是死了。And quickly sent to hospital, but the cloud in the day and are dead.