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世界上有多少只大猩猩?。How mang gorillas are there?

一个女孩在大猩猩旁边安顿下来One-girl Camp Set Up Near Chimps

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就像你是这间房间里的一只800磅的大猩猩一样。Looks are an 800-pound gorilla in the room.

雄性大猩猩身高能达到1.75米,体重能达到200公斤。Males can reach 1.75m tall and weigh 200kg.

雄性大猩猩则几乎没有朝我的方向看一眼。The males scarcely glanced in my direction.

现在魔兽世界如同房间里800磅重的大猩猩。WOW is now the 800-pound gorilla in the room.

但是,对大猩猩的这种观点可能并不公道。But that view of gorillas may not be deserved.

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大猩猩一切都模仿猿人。The ape apes the ape-man in everything he does.

这个公园在1925年专为大猩猩创造。This park was created for the gorillas in 1925.

珍妮·古道尔50年如一日的工作让我们重新审视大猩猩……Her 50 years of work have made us rethink chimps.

大猩猩在山上高处平地上。The gorillas are on a high plane in the mountains.

我是一只大猩猩,我会捶胸,你会吗?I am a gorilla and I thump my chest. Can you do it?

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那大猩猩在树枝间荡来荡去。SWING】The big ape swung itself from branch to branch.

罗妮是个特例,还是所有的大猩猩都一样聪明?Is Rollie an exception, or are all gorillas as clever?

要不然就是大猩猩,或者负鼠或还是什么其它倒霉玩意儿?Or it was possibly an ape or possum or some such shit?

为什么蜂鸟和大猩猩都有脊骨?Why do hummingbirds and gorillas both have backbones ?

一只新的大猩猩将在圣地亚戈动物园作他的首次亮相。A new gorilla has made his debut with the San Diego Zoo.

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大猩猩也会为了钱会牺牲色相,难以置信?Would you believe that chimpanzees have sex for "money"?

草食动物的大猩猩以水果和植物为生。Gorillas, which are herbivores, feed on fruit and plants.

刚果民主共和国境内约有380只银背山地大猩猩。Only about 380 of these Gorillas can be found in the DRC.