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扑哧,又一个关于俄罗斯的谎言?Ooops. Lies about Russia, again?

她忍不住扑哧一笑。She could not conceal a snort of laughter.

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穿过水坑时,汽车的轮胎发出扑哧声。The car's tires whispered through the puddles.

他扑哧一声从烂泥里拔出脚来。He pulled his foot out of the mud with a squelch.

这可怜的小家伙正象个蒸汽机似的扑哧扑哧地哼哼。The poor little thing was snorting like a steam-engine.

那一大桶燕麦粥在电炉上扑哧扑哧作响。The vat of oatmeal stood gasping on the electric range.

扑哧一声,乔小麦笑了出来,司机?Rushing toward Chi is a , Joe's wheat smiled out, driver?

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它飞起来的时候,翅膀发出轻微的“扑哧”,很轻盈。It is time to fly, wings issued light "Puchi", a very lightweight.

那个人喝了一口酒,听到这句话“扑哧”一声,笑了。" The man took a sip of wine, to hear the words" throwing" a sound, laughing.

他的扑哧一笑变成了一阵痛苦的咳嗽。“是的,就是这个。你真有天分。”His snort of laughter turned into a painful cough. "Yeah, that's it. You have talent. ""

他把车开到这位老太太的身边,走到她跟前,他的庞蒂克亚还在那儿扑哧扑哧地响着。He pulled up in front of her and got out. His Pontiac was still sputtering when he approached her.

扑哧,扑哧,已经有笑点低的暗卫混小子又笑上了。Rush toward Chi, rush toward Chi, have already smiled to array low dark Wei to mingle boy yet and smile last.

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祖母大笑起来。“呵,那是水蒸气,”她说。“你可以看见水蒸气从壶嘴里喷出来,从壶盖下扑哧扑哧地往外冒。”The grandmother laughed. "Oh, that is only steam, "she said. "You can see it coming out of the spout and puffing up under the lid. "

听见勺子发牢骚,吃饭的人恐怕会扑哧一笑,心中的紧张思绪为之消散,吃饭的时候就会轻松缓慢一些。People may burst into laughter when he hears the spoon complaining, he will not be that nervous any more, and he will relax and slow down while eating.

过了很久,他“扑哧”一声笑了出来,原来是你啊,上次那个躲在礼堂里看黄色书刊的色女就是你哦。After a long time, he" worked" a laugh, oh it's you, the last time that hid in the hall watching pornographic books and periodicals color girl like you.

针对上述,想想看,要是伊朗扔个核弹给以色列,最后要爆炸的那一刻,死火了,就只能听到扑哧扑哧的响声。Keeping above in view, imagine Iran throw nuke bomb on Isreal and at the last second it controls go off and the bomb just die with a sound "phuuuusssssssssss".

我责备她怎么能把这告诉妈妈,让我骑虎难下,菲菲却扑哧一笑,硬拉着我去见她母亲。I blame her how to can tell mother this, let my have no way to back down, luxuriant and beautiful attacks however Chi laughs, pulling me forcedly to see her mother.

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“老鹰在山顶扑哧着翅膀准备飞起来的声音其实是通过雨伞的一开一合发出的,”帕尔默说道。The sound of an eagle's wings beating as it takes off majestically from the top of a mountain? "That sound will invariably be made by an umbrella opening and closing, " Palmer says.

但是我们享受着这分分秒秒的美好时光。火车正扑哧扑哧喘着粗气往山上爬行,火车头是意大利1938年制造的,那时的厄立特里亚可是意大利非洲皇冠上的璀璨宝石。But we were loving every minute of it, chugging straight up a mountainside, puff by puff, in a 1938 steam train built by the Italians when Eritrea was the jewel in their African crown.

例如,鸟儿在腾飞上升的顶点合起它们的翅膀——这是公园里鸽子腾飞时扑哧的声音——在降落时旋转它们的翅膀以获得升力。For example, birds clap their wings together at the peak of the upstroke during takeoff — that's the clatter of a pigeon taking off in the park — and rotate their wings on the way down to get lift.