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元代高丽朝贡贡期考。Three, Yuan Korea Tributary cycle research.

许多被征服的国家必须向古罗马的统治者朝贡。Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome.

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朝贡制度是古代中外交往的主要模式,其源头可溯至先秦时代。The tributary system is one of the main Patterns in Sino-foreign relations in ancient China.

在他的同胞看来,金正日在电视中看上去就像是接受朝贡的君王。To many of his countrymen , he will have looked on television like an emperor receiving tribute.

同时,朝鲜国王须定期或不定期地派使节到北京朝贡。At the same time, the kings in Korea Dynasty must send the diplomatics to Beijing to contribution.

那时候的唐朝在当时来说,是地球上最强盛的,当时很多的国家都竞相前来“朝贡”。The tang dynasty at that time, it is the most powerful, when many countries are trying to "tributary".

朝贡制度是古代中国对外交往的主要模式之一。The tributary system is one of the main patterns reflecting the Sino-foreign relations in ancient China.

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朝贡贸易和市舶贸易极大地推动了两国的经济文化交流。Tributary trade and vessel trade promoted the economic and cultural exchange of two countries maximumly.

1877年,琉球国王向清朝求救,盼能恢复和清政府间的朝贡关系。In 1877, the Ry uk y uk ing a sked for Qing intervention to revive his former tributary relations with China.

10世纪前,占婆与中国关系史是一部战争与朝贡相交替的历史。Before the 10th century, the history of Champa China relations was one alternating between war and paying tributes.

高句丽虽然向新成立的唐朝朝贡,但实际上却对唐朝持怀有敌视态度。Although Koguryo Dynasty tribute to the newly established, but in fact Quedui who harbor hostile to the Tang Dynasty.

作为明朝的臣属国,泰国是对明朝朝贡次数最多、贡品最丰厚的国家。As a vassal state of China at the time, Siam was the country that paid the most numerous and largest tributes to Ming.

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下面将不止一次地提到朝贡体系,我们也应回到海上运输这个话题上来。The tributary system will be referred to more than once below, and we will also return to the practice of seaborne trade.

有明一代,明蒙朝贡体制长期运行,这期间的明蒙交往常有和平往来,少有冲突与战争。In the period of Ming, the tributary system continued working. There were more peaceful intercourses than wars in this period.

“王道”与“霸道”上升到国际层面就是国家处理国际事务中的软权力与硬权力。郑和下西洋和朝贡体系都是古代中国运用软权力的突出典范。The tributary system and Zheng He's navigations to the West Ocean was the typical model for China to carry out the soft power.

谷歌图书提供朝贡10000种图书的全文,因此下回你再研究什么东西,在最后时刻要看这里。Google Books offers full text for over 10,000 books, so look here the next time you are researching something at the last minute.

17世纪初,天山南部建立了叶尔羌汗国,与清朝维持着朝贡贸易关系。The early 17th century, the southern Tianshan Yarkand Khanate was established, and the Qing maintained tributary trade relations.

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朝贡制度是古代中外交往的主要模式,其源头可溯至先秦时代。The tributary system was the main pattern of Sino-foreign relations in ancient China, and it originated from the Pre-Ch'in Period.

明代洪武年间,中朝两国的官方贸易,包括朝贡贸易和互市两种。During the Hongwu Period in the Ming Dynasty, the official trade between China and Korea was divided into tribute trade and mutual trade.

吾国有七十二省附庸臣从,其中亦有信奉基督教之省,每省皆有国王向吾国朝贡。Seventy-two provinces obey us, a few of which are Christian provinces, and each has it own king. And all their kings are our tributaries.