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出乎她的意料,特纳微笑起来。To her surprise, Turner smiled.

出乎我的意料,菲比发言了。Phoebe, to my surprise, spoke up.

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他的反应出乎预料。His reaction was quite unexpected.

我们的道德直觉会出乎我们意料。Our moral intuitions can surprise us.

小鬼说。这真是出乎我的想象之外!Imps said. It's beyond my imagination!

这是一个严重而出乎预料的障碍。Here was a serious and unexpected check.

出乎他意料之外,布里森登摇了摇头。To his surprise Brissenden shook his head.

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房间竟然这样整洁,真出乎所料。It be unnatural for the room to be so tidy.

出乎我意外的是,大部分公司不愿意采用这种强制手段的。I’m surprised more companies don’t require this.

出乎我的预料,她告诉了我一个很好玩的故事。And to my shock, she told me a fascinating story.

但出乎他的意料,他的vo2最好值却减到82了。But to his surprise, his VO2 max decreased, to 82.

他们的迅速到来出乎我的意料之外。I was surprised by the speediness of their arrival.

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他考试及格了,这出乎我的预料。He passed the examination, contrary to what I expected.

敌人被杀仆倒的甚多,因为这争战是出乎神。For there fell down many slain, because the war was of God.

相信我,这种方法的效果往往出乎你所料。I’m always surprised by the effectiveness of this strategy.

这个计划的复杂性出乎我们的意料之外。The complexity of the project was way beyond out expection.

我讲解技巧和术语时,他相当投入,这远远出乎我的意料。As I explained the techniques and terminology, he soaked it up.

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而出乎他们的意料,工程师连一张票也没买。To their astonishment, the engineers didn't buy a ticket at all.

她继续瞪着我,接着出乎我的意料,米勒太太的脸庞变得柔和起来。She glared some more--and then to my surprise, her face softened.

出乎大家的预料,阿卡蒂奥没有枪毙这个鲁莽的人。Contrary to what everyone expected, Arcadio did not have him shot.