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有些国家的劳动法确实比别的国家宽松。Indeed some countries have looser labor laws than others.

如何保护好劳动权不受侵犯,是当今劳动法所要解决的重要问题之一。How to protect labor rights is one of resolutions in labor law.

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你不清楚事实,或者不了解中国劳动法。Amitabh you comment without knowing facts or the labour laws in China.

新劳动法出台,如何避免用工风险?How to avoid employments risks with the implementation of the new labor laws?

只有在穆阿拉加工出口区的劳工才得充分适用劳动法。There is one export processing zone, the Muara Export Zone, where labour laws apply in full.

全员职工签定劳动合同,遵照劳动法的规定,为职工办理五险待遇。We sign Labor Contracts with all staff and deal with 5 insurances according to the Labor Law.

劳动法,农业法和社会保障法等领域有时被认为是公法和私法领域的混合。Labor law, agricultural law, social security are sometimes said to be "mixed" public and private areas.

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我们严格遵守劳动法的各项规定,实行五天八小时工作制。We strictly obey all the regulations in Labour Law, implementing five eight-hour working days per week.

没有疑问,新劳动法触发了工业转移到其它廉价劳力的国家去。There is no question that the new labor law has triggered a shift in favor of other cheap-labor countries.

在宪法及劳动法、工会法、罢工法、刑法中贯彻体现罢工权立法的指导思想。This should also be carried out in the constitution, labor law, trade union law, strike law and penal law.

去年,劳工部采取行动颁布了6点标准,营利机构提供的实习机会必须满足这几点标准才算符合劳动法的规定。Last year, it moved to issue a six-point test that for-profit internships must pass to comply with labor laws.

一些罢工领导者现在说他们花费更多的时间在阅读网上关于中国劳动法的资料上。Some strike leaders now say they spend much of their time perusing the Web for material on China's labor laws.

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一些罢工领导者现在说他们花费更多的时间在阅读网上关于中国劳动法的资料上。Some strike leaders now say they spend much of their time perusing the Web for material on China’s labor laws.

工伤赔偿是劳动法和社会保障法中最具实践性的问题之一。The system of work-related injury insurance and legislation correlated with this is now beginning to take shape.

此外,南非的劳动法的规定限制公司在第一时间解雇工人,使得解雇变得困难。South African labour laws make it hard to fire workers, which deters companies from hiring them in the first place.

新的反贩卖人口犯罪劳动法贩运和显著提高对此类犯罪行为的刑罚。The new anti-trafficking law criminalizes labor trafficking and significantly increases penalties for such offenses.

内容非常详细,介绍了劳动法的产生,劳动法的三大手段等等内容,千万不要错过!Very detailed, introduces the emergence of labor law, labor law, and so the contents of the three means, do not miss!

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卢旺达已经修订了新的公司和劳动法,简化了创办企业和雇佣工人的手续。The country has already revised its new company and labor laws, making it easier to start businesses and hire workers.

评论家表示,智利需要重拾动力,同时走出他的老路如低下的生产率和呆板的劳动法。Chile needs to regain its momentum, say critics, and work out kinks such as lost productivity and rigidity in labor laws.

联邦政府和州政府都非常警惕企业利用就业难来绕开劳动法规的行为。Federal and state authorities are alert for employers who may be taking advantage of the tight job market to skirt the rules.